A Letter From the Vestry: 2023 Property Campaign

May 10, 2023

Dear Members of the St. Paul’s Community:

It has been a wonderful month for our community. We were blessed to have so many of us gathered for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter. In addition to our opportunities for worship, we are privileged to offer a multitude of ways for our community to gather in fellowship and service. At St. Paul’s, there is truly something for every generation, interest, and need. Our building is in use every day, as befits our call to show the love of Christ to the world.

We are writing to you today because of some critical needs for the physical plant of our church building. Parts of our parish buildings are almost 100 years old, and elements of our building heating and stormwater management systems date back to the 1950s. Our Property Commission, and we, your Vestry, have prioritized at least $60,000 of repairs that need to be done right now. Honestly, these are not the most glamorous of repairs – they include heating system controllers, an air compressor, and several items related to the health and safety of the building. The largest part of this immediate need involves an engineering investigation of our stormwater drainage system and potential improvements consistent with current best management practices and environmental considerations.

We are contacting you today to ask for help in meeting this need. All Vestry members have joined together to collectively pledge over $6,500 toward this campaign. St. Paul’s Episcopal Nursery School has also pledged $10,000 to this important campaign.

Will you join us in helping to stabilize the physical home of our vibrant community? You can do so through a one-time gift or a pledge to this special campaign payable over the next year. Since the work is imminent, we hope to have gifts and pledges in hand by June 30.

We hope that each household in our parish can contribute to this effort so that the members of our parish can continue to live out our mission to share God’s love with our community and serve the world. Please let us know if you have any questions. To give, send a check with 2023 Property Campaign in the memo line. You can click the buttons above to make a pledge or a one-time gift.

Thank you,

St. Paul’s Vestry

Kathleen Davies, Senior Warden

Michele Baum, Junior Warden

Frank Horrigan, Secretary

Dave Sharbaugh, Treasurer

Gregg Hammer, Assistant Junior Warden

The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector

Dana Bloomburg, Vestry Member

Gina Brownfield, Vestry Member

Gretchen Crane, Vestry Member

Jon Delano, Vestry Member

Paul Golebie, Vestry Member

Jen Lingler, Vestry Member

Karen Schneider, Vestry Member