2021 Vestry Candidate Bios
The Vestry Nominating Committee is very pleased to announce our slate of four vestry candidates. Formal election will occur on February 28 at 1:30 p.m. during our Annual Meeting. Each of these candidates brings many gifts to the table in their service to St. Pauls. Thank you to: Gina Brownfield, Frank Horrigan, Mark Lamendola & Pam Ryan.
Vestry Nominating Committee: Ginny Barnicoat, Chair, Eileen Sharbaugh, Jan Toth, Jon Delano, Bob Johnston.
Pam Ryan
I will be honored to serve the St. Paul’s community as a vestry member. My husband Tom and I have been active members of this parish for 30+ years. Over these years St. Paul’s has become “family” to us – providing us with opportunities to deepen our faith, widen our circle of friends and strengthen our caring outreach to others. Our children were raised here being nurtured though Sunday school classes and youth group activities, building long-term relationships.
My previous service and engagement activities at St. Paul’s includes – vestry member, co-chair of the rector search committee, confirmation teacher for 7 years, stewardship chair, EFM graduate, Sunday morning adult forum leader; and participate in many outreach projects.
The Covid pandemic and subsequent disruptions to daily life as we knew it has presented challenges to everyone, including our parish community. Our clergy, staff and vestry have meet and mastered the many challenges with grace and the extra effort needed in this exceptional time. St Paul’s is a leader church in the South Hills community and the Diocese, we can and should continue to extend our hands and hearts, our worship and fellowship. As a vestry member, I pledge to support and encourage the lay members, clergy and staff to nurture our mission and ministry by caring for our parish family and welcoming those new parishioners we haven’t yet met.
My career as a pipeline engineer and manager within the natural gas industry has allowed me to develop skills to work with many diverse groups and initiatives. I can provide bench-strength or leadership as a role requires and I look to leverage these attributes to the benefit of our parish and greater community.
Mark Lamendola
Mark has been a member of St. Paul’s since 2008. He and his wife Aimee have 4 children. Mark is finishing up his first term (2018 to 2021) on Vestry and co-led the Spiritual Growth Commission and the Children & Youth Commission. He has been involved in teaching Sunday school and confirmation class; and is currently active with the Sunday Morning Men’s group, the St. Ignatius Journey, and the parish Discernment Committee. He also participated in the Learning to Pray groups this past summer.
Gina Brownfield
Gina has been a member of St. Paul’s for over 20 years. She and her husband Todd have 3 sons, Ben, Jack and Alex, who all grew up at St. Paul’s. Gina currently serves on the St. Paul’s Vestry, teaches Sunday School (5th & 6th grade now, 2nd grade in the past), is a No-Contact Lay Eucharistic Visitor, delivers altar flowers and serves on the Pastoral Care Commission.
Frank Horrigan
Frank, his wife Courtney, and children Matthew, Caroline, and Jack have been members of St. Paul’s since 1996. He has served as a LEM, Usher/Greeter and is active with the Sunday morning Men’s Group. This is Frank’s second term on the Vestry, having served previously from 2011 to 2013. He is the Chair of the Stewardship Commission and is active in Outreach.