​A Letter From the Rector  

A Letter From the Rector

Dear Friends:
It is so fantastic to be back with you all after my sabbatical. I am so grateful for the leadership of Laura, the parish staff, our Vestry Senior Warden, Ginny Barnicoat, and so many others during my time away. It is a testament to our parish leadership and staff’s strength that St. Paul’s did not miss a beat during that time.

It is wonderful to see the energy and vitality of our community of faith as we begin this new program year together. I have heard from so many of you about the continued desire to connect with one another, with our neighbors in the wider community, and to serve a hurting world even more deeply. I wonder if the challenges of these last few pandemic years have led many of us to a new place in our lives and faith that we are seeking to live out in new ways?

This fall we have so many opportunities for us all to connect, grow and serve together. First, I hope to see you on Saturday for our So Long Summer BBQ in the Parking Lot. Next weekend, we will also resume our program year worship schedule (Saturdays at 6PM, and Sundays 8, 8:45 and 10:45AM), and Sunday School and Adult Forums will also resume (Sundays at 9:45AM).

I want to invite you to join a small group or class – these groups are opportunities for you to join with other members of our community to connect, grow in relationships with one another, and explore topics and issues of how to live a life of faith in the world. We have opportunities both on Zoom or in-person, and in some of them you can even join in on Zoom during a lunch break at work.

I look forward to continuing to reconnect with you all in the weeks to come – please let me know if you would like to find a time, maybe over coffee or tea, to connect together. I’d love to hear from you!

Peace, Noah

The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector
[email protected] (412) 531- 7153 x 11