Announcing our 100th Anniversary Capital Campaign

Dear St. Paul’s Community,

We are excited today to announce a capital campaign to celebrate the 100th anniversary of St. Paul’s in Mt. Lebanon. 

We aspire to have our physical property reflect the values we hold. Everything that makes St. Paul’s what it is starts in a place – a home, if you will – and ours sits at the corner of Washington Road and Mayfair Drive.

Working with our Property Commission, we have identified a project list designed to allow our parish home to further extend a sense of welcome, inclusion, acceptance, and belonging to everyone. The list includes refurbishing St. Margaret’s Garden, overhauling our 30-year-old elevator, improvements to our well-used kitchen, installing a permanent ramp to enter our worship space, continued restoration of stained glass, updates to the electronics of our pipe organ, updates to our sound systems, renovations to bathrooms and other projects. This campaign will also help to continue the values of our shared ministry well into the future by inviting everyone in the parish to consider leaving a gift to St. Paul’s as part of their estate or legacy plans.

The initial goal of our campaign is to raise $1 million. We hope that you will join us by contributing to reach this goal.  Due to early and generous contributions to the campaign, our initial $75,000 repair to our elevator is now under contract, and we are told we can anticipate having a working elevator around mid-March!

We are grateful that Ginny Barnicoat and Kathleen Davies have agreed to co-chair this campaign and they are joined on the Campaign Committee by Dean Calland, Paul Golebie, Jerry Rutledge, Karen Schneider, Preston Shimer, Rich Creehan, Amy Bair, Gina Brownfield, Allen Abbot, Amanda McQuillan and the Reverend Noah Evans. 

We are inviting all members of the parish to attend an event in the coming weeks to learn more. These will be small, informal gatherings to encourage open conversation about the campaign. These are informational sessions only and no one will be asked to make a commitment at that time.  Please see below for a list of events with dates, times, and locations. You may also speak to any member of the Vestry or Campaign Committee with questions.

Please join us in supporting this important effort to increasingly become a community that acts in the belief that God loves everyone, no exceptions.

With gratitude,
St. Paul’s Vestry

Kathleen Davies, Senior Warden
Gregg Hammer, Junior Warden
Dana Bloomburg, Secretary
Paul Golebie, Treasurer
Jeremy Shock, Vestry Member
Jerry Rutledge, Vestry Member
Karen Schneider, Vestry Member
Gretchen Crane, Vestry Member
Jon Delano, Vestry Member
Jen Lingler, Vestry Member 
Michele Baum, Vestry Member
Donna Prata, Vestry Member
The Rev. Noah H. Evans, Rector

Find out more about the 100th Anniversary Capital Campaign at an Awareness Gathering

Want to know more about the 100th Anniversary Capital Campaign? Join fellow parishioners for a Capital Campaign Awarenes Gathering. Find out more about the Campaign, learn about the projects we are planning for our church building, and discover how you can help. 

These gatherings will be small, informal events to encourage open conversation, and no one will be asked to make a commitment at that time. Sign up below, and contact Rebecca Oreto at [email protected] or 412-531-7153, ext.10 with any questions. More gatherings will be added, and if you are interested in hosting a gathering, please contact Amy Bair or Gina Brownfield.

Click here to sign up to attend one of these events:

Wed., 2/12, 2pm 
Host – Fran Gargotta
Light House Lounge, Providence Point Main Bldg, 500 Providence Point Blvd, Pgh
coffee, tea & dessert
up to 18 people

Thurs., 2/13, 7pm
Hosts: Amy & Don Bair
5409 Madison Ave., Bethel Park
appetizers, dessert, wine & other refreshments
up tp 18 people

Wed., 2/19, 2pm
Hosts: June & Ed Hanraty
1001 Hastings Park Dr., Apt 246, Bridgeville
coffee, tea & dessert
up to 10 people

Fri., 2/21, 7pm
Hosts: Jane & Jon Delano
90 Longuevue Dr., Mt. Lebanon
dessert, wine & other refreshments
up to 15 people

Fri, 2/28, 7pm
Hosts: Gina & Todd Brownfield
132 Iron Run Rd,  Bethel Park
snacks, sangria & other refreshments
up to 15 people