Children & Youth Online Formation

Welcome to St. Paul’s Children and Youth Online Formation

Hi everyone!

Spring is almost here– I don’t know about any of you but I am SO thankful for every blade of green grass and every little bud on every tree and plant. I hope that everyone gets to be outside this weekend, as it’s going to be absolutely beautiful.

Lots of announcements this week– if any of you would like a role in the Passion Play, there’s plenty of opportunity there! Just send me a quick email and I’ll give you a spot!

Join us Sunday, March 28th at 9am for Blessing of the Palms
Join us on Sunday, March 28th at 9am in the parking lot at St. Paul’s for the Blessing of the Palms. You can stay in your car or stand outside for this service, and there is no pre-registration required. Please wear masks. Palm crosses will be distributed after they have been blessed!

This coming Sunday, 3/28, is Palm Sunday. We will not be having any of our usual children’s activities that morning and hope that, instead, your families will join us at 9am in the parking lot at St. Paul’s for the Blessing of the Palms. Church will be virtual, live streamed beginning at 10:45am on Facebook. No sign up is needed for this service.
The following Sunday, 4/4, is Easter Sunday. We will not be having any of our usual children’s activities that morning and hope that, instead, your families will participate in one of the Children’s Good Friday Services on April 2 and Easter Egg Hunts on April 3. Sign ups are below!

Children’s Good Friday Service will be held Friday, April 2, 2021

Our Children’s Good Friday service will be held in person in St. Margaret’s Garden, in the tent, on Friday, April 2, at 3:30pm and 5pm. There are six family slots available for each of the two time slots– Click Here to sign up for the time that works best for your family. All participants will be required to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from others who are not in their own household. If all of these slots fill at both of these service times, we can create a new one for more families. Please sign up by Wednesday, March 31st. Questions? Email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]


I am EGGCITED to announce that we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of St. Paul’s on Saturday, April 3rd for the children and families of St. Paul’s. Click Here to sign up for a slot that works for your family! There are 30 individual spots available for each time slot, so please indicate how many individuals (not just the kids– please include adults in your head count) will be participating, so that we can maintain a safe total number of people. All individuals will be required to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from others who are not in their own household. Please sign up by Wednesday, March 31st. Questions? Please email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]

Easter Day Worship and Walk-Through Eucharist Opportunities on Sunday, April 4, 2021

7:00AM Sunrise Rise Service outside at Old Saint Luke’s

This is a “bring your own chair” service, beginning with the blessing of the paschal fire and proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the sun rises on Easter morning. Service includes communion. No pre-registration. Masks required.

9-10AM – Walk Through/Drive Through Communion

Walk Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in the sanctuary. Drive Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in your car. No pre-registration. Masks required.

10:45AM – Live streaming Easter Service

12PM-2PM – Walk Through Communion

Walk Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in the sanctuary. No pre-registration. Masks required.

Sunday School Transition is Coming, Beginning April 11th

Sunday School will be transitioned from an online Zoom format to in-person each Sunday afternoon at 3pm, at Mt. Lebanon Main Park on Sunday, April 11th. Worship will follow at 4pm, and Confirmation classes will follow that at 5pm. We are looking forward to this next step in our journey through the pandemic and are looking forward to seeing the kids and families in person again. Please have all kids meet at the main pavilion and we will break them into their classes. All participants wear a well-fitting mask, and we will social distance as recommended. If you have questions, please email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]. Watch for more instructions coming soon!


We are planning a fantastic, outdoor-based VBS for this summer. In order to offer this program safely, we will be holding two weeks of sessions, with two sessions each week (one morning, and one afternoon session each week), and breaking the sessions down into age groups. We will be exploring spiritual practices that will help us figure out where we can find God in our own neighborhood through scavenger hunting for the younger groups, and geocaching for the older groups. What is this VBS called? Well, someone suggested Geocaching with Jesus so I think that’s what we’ll call it!!
Here is the schedule of sessions, which are broken down by age group (the grade your child will be going into this coming fall):
Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25th 10am to 12pm– pre-K and Kindergarten (12 slots available)
Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25th 1pm to 3pm– 5th and 6th grade (15 slots available)
Monday, June 28 through Friday, July 2nd 10am to 12pm– 1st and 2nd grade (12 slots available)
Monday, June 28 through Friday, July 2 1pm to 3pm– 3rd and 4th grade (15 slots available)
Click Here to Sign Up! Questions? Email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]

Calvary Camp Registration Begins April 5th!

“Calvary Camp is the ideal summer experience for kids not only to have a great time in a safe, nurturing environment, but to learn about independence, about their own talents, and about what it takes to live in community with others. Our staff members are some of the finest people you could meet, and quickly become role models and confidants for the campers who come to trust them and to look up to them. The vast majority of our staff members are former Calvary Camp campers who aspired to become like the staff members they had so admired. Calvary Camp really is all about fostering personal growth and developing children as moral, communal, and spiritual people.”

Registration for Calvary Camp will begin Monday, April 5th. Click Here to register for your child’s favorite session!