Children & Youth Online Formation
Welcome to St. Paul’s Children and Youth Online Formation
Hi everyone!
Our Children’s Good Friday service will be held in person in St. Margaret’s Garden, in the tent, on Friday, April 2, at 3:30pm and 5pm. There are six family slots available for each of the two time slots– Click Here to sign up for the time that works best for your family. All participants will be required to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from others who are not in their own household. If all of these slots fill at both of these service times, we can create a new one for more families. Please sign up by Wednesday, March 31st. Questions? Email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]
I am EGGCITED to announce that we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of St. Paul’s on Saturday, April 3rd for the children and families of St. Paul’s. Click Here to sign up for a slot that works for your family! There are 30 individual spots available for each time slot, so please indicate how many individuals (not just the kids– please include adults in your head count) will be participating, so that we can maintain a safe total number of people. All individuals will be required to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from others who are not in their own household. Please sign up by Wednesday, March 31st. Questions? Please email Kristen Morgan at [email protected]
Easter Day Worship and Walk-Through Eucharist Opportunities on Sunday, April 4, 2021
7:00AM Sunrise Rise Service outside at Old Saint Luke’s
This is a “bring your own chair” service, beginning with the blessing of the paschal fire and proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the sun rises on Easter morning. Service includes communion. No pre-registration. Masks required.
9-10AM – Walk Through/Drive Through Communion
Walk Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in the sanctuary. Drive Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in your car. No pre-registration. Masks required.
10:45AM – Live streaming Easter Service
12PM-2PM – Walk Through Communion
Walk Through Communion is a time when members of your household come for a short prayer service and receive communion in the sanctuary. No pre-registration. Masks required.
Sunday School Transition is Coming, Beginning April 11th
Calvary Camp Registration Begins April 5th!
“Calvary Camp is the ideal summer experience for kids not only to have a great time in a safe, nurturing environment, but to learn about independence, about their own talents, and about what it takes to live in community with others. Our staff members are some of the finest people you could meet, and quickly become role models and confidants for the campers who come to trust them and to look up to them. The vast majority of our staff members are former Calvary Camp campers who aspired to become like the staff members they had so admired. Calvary Camp really is all about fostering personal growth and developing children as moral, communal, and spiritual people.”
Registration for Calvary Camp will begin Monday, April 5th. Click Here to register for your child’s favorite session!