COVID-19 Response Fund

Dear Friend,


The world could not imagine in January what we would be living through in April. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant complete upset of our work or school life, and our most basic social interactions. Some of us have contracted the disease and are fighting through it. We are feeling the stress and anxiety that comes with uncertainty. We want this to end. Nonetheless, extraordinary, everyday blessings show themselves. We have to wear masks in public now, and we do, perhaps because we are afraid of the virus, but also because we don’t want to spread it to others. We greet friends and strangers on the street from six feet away, asking them how they are doing. We are all struggling, but we are in this together, and that knowledge of shared suffering has brought out something better in us.


We may not be able to gather at St. Paul’s, but the church is its people, and we have stepped up as God has called us. We are making masks, packing and serving meals, calling one another just to check in, and worshipping, albeit remotely. With all that we have done, so many needs remain unmet. We still hear God’s call. To answer that call, St. Paul’s is establishing a COVID-19 Response Fund. This fund will have three priorities:


1. Assist parishioners in need;
2. Fund Outreach opportunities in the wider community; and
3. Stabilize operations at St. Paul’s.


We are asking for your support and contribution in this effort, with the understanding that it is an extraordinarily difficult time for all of us. Many of us will receive a check as part of the Federal government’s stimulus program. Would you consider donating your check, or tithing (giving 10 percent) from it, to help jump-start this fund? This is just one of the ways that we can continue to support one another until life and the economy stabilize. Any amount you can donate will be most welcomed and is needed more than ever. Donations can be made here or by mail (please put COVID-19 in the memo line of the check).


The doors at St. Paul’s may be closed, but our hearts remain open. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.


Yours in Christ,
Ginny Barnicoat, Senior Warden The Rev. Noah Evans, Rector
Geoff Hurd, Junior Warden Frank Horrigan, Secretary Jan Toth, Treasurer
Gina Brownfield, Meghan Clark, Kathleen Davies Hendricks, Mark Lamendola,
John Sheehan, Ell Vines, Karen Melvin, Leigh Coogan

COVID-19 Response Donation Page