Why Give? God asks us to share our time, talent and treasure. A life of generosity is at the root of Christianity. We encourage you to think about what a meaningful gift would be for you.
When you give to St. Paul’s you help fund our ministry in the community, our worship, and the staff that supports our community as we strive to be God’s hands and feet in the world.
Each year, St. Paul’s asks parishioners to say how much they are going to give the parish over the next year. This is called a pledge. Some parishioners set up a recurring gift online — this counts as a pledge too! St. Paul’s relies on parishioners to make a pledge or a recurring gift so that we can keep the lights on, celebrate the Eucharist, work with our community partners, pay staff, and run all the programming that the parish depends on. Your pledge or recurring gift keeps St. Paul’s running.
Thank you for prayerfully considering a donation to the South Hills Food Pantry, which benefits neighbors in need across our region. Please click on the button below to make your contribution.
The St. Paul’s Endowment Fund is the cornerstone of a long-range program to provide future financial stability for the parish. It is created through bequests of money and property. Once, invested, the bequests provide income for the special needs of the parish and designated programs.
Support St. Paul’s each time you shop on Amazon.com – St. Paul’s can receive 0.5% of the purchase price each time you shop online! Each time you make a purchase on Amazon, first visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/25-1062674 or go to smile.amazon.com and search for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Then, when you make a purchase, St. Paul’s will receive a donation from the Amazon Smile Foundation. It’s an easy way to support our church! For questions, contact [email protected].
Saturday, 6pm*, Old St. Luke’s, no music (330 Old Washington Pike, Carnegie, PA 15106)
Sunday, 8am, Chapel, no music
Sunday, 8:45am with contemporary music led by worship band
Sunday, 10:45am, with Chancel Choir and Organ
*Saturday 6PM service moves locations throughout the year. Spring and Fall, Old St. Luke’s, Scott Township; Winter, St. Paul’s Sanctuary; Summer, outside in St. Margaret’s Garden.
11 a.m. in the church, short service with music
Summer Worship Hours – May 25-26 (Memorial Day weekend) – August 31-September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)
Saturday, 6pm, St. Margaret’s Garden (rain location: Sanctuary)
Sunday, 8am, Chapel, no music
Sunday, 9:45am, with music and pull-out Children’s Chapel
St. Paul’s Church 1066 Washington Road Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228
This week is the Holiest Week of the Christian Calendar. We have developed some exciting ways to present these liturgies in this time when we are separated by distance. For Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil, we will be using some new technology which will allow participation from different locations, bringing together various different musicians, soloists and readers from their home into the service. For Each Holy Week Liturgy, we invite you to prepare something in your own home to join in participating in the action of the liturgy in your own home.
Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30PM (via Facebook Live here)