New Camera System in the Sanctuary

by Bob Melvin
If you’ve joined us for worship online in the past few weeks (or if you have a bit of an eagle eye in the sanctuary), you may have noticed something new – and you’d be right! St. Paul’s recently installed a brand new multi-camera video system, thanks to a generous grant from the Diocese as well as the people of St. Paul’s via the COVID relief fund!
This state-of-the-art system features three cameras that can capture any angle of a service (hello, choir and balcony!) and allows us to broadcast with crystal-clear sound and video, as well as being able to record our various services in high definition. Our hope is that the system also fosters increased participation both inside the building and online; in fact, over 40 households streamed in for a recent Sunday service.
One more thing: would you like to be a part of the St. Paul’s video team? The system is intuitive and easy to use – if you’re interested in serving with us, contact Bob Melvin at [email protected]!