Cultivating Community, Fostering Faith: Giving and Stewardship 2025

As our parish’s annual giving and stewardship campaign gets underway, we invite you to reflect upon the why, the what, and the how of your annual giving and to pledge your financial support of the mission and ministry of our parish for the upcoming year.

Recently, members of St. Paul’s gathered as a faith community for our annual meeting, which included small group discussions of what St. Paul’s means to each of us. These small groups of parishioners were charged with developing a list of our values as a faith community. After lively discussions, each small group reported their list of values. Terms like social justice, outreach, family, faith formation, community and inclusivity were repeatedly mentioned. There was remarkable consistency in the values identified across each of the groups. In the months that followed, the Vestry drew upon this work to ground our efforts. A key example of this is St. Paul’s Summer of Suppers. Our parishioners were able to grow in relationship with one another and to serve and forge connections with those in our surrounding community.

Those core values were also top of mind when the stewardship commission came together around the theme of Cultivating Community and Fostering Faith. These values are indeed the “why” of giving and stewardship, as enacting them requires financial resources.

This brings us to “what”! We need everyone to make pledges and recurring gifts because we, the people of St. Paul’s, are the parish’s only real source of income. Your pledge or recurring gift allows parish leaders to anticipate the resources available to budget and plan for all the ministries, services, and programs of St. Paul’s. So, whether you are new to our community or have been here for years, we invite you to prayerfully consider making or increasing a pledge or recurring gift to help St. Paul’s as we Cultivate Community and Foster Faith. Our goal is 100% participation in the 2025 pledge campaign!

Questions about the “how”? You can give at the frequency that works best for you (e.g., weekly, monthly, annually), using the method you find most convenient (e.g., online, pledge envelopes, gifts of stock). The staff of St. Paul’s have worked hard to make giving as easy as possible, and we invite you to reach out to the church office at (412) 531-7153 or [email protected] if you have questions as you explore the options. 

Please pledge by Sundae Sunday, November 24th when we celebrate the end of a successful pledge season with ice cream sundaes after every service!

Creating Community, Fostering Faith: Giving and Stewardship Campaign 2025 Susan Wilcox Testimonial
Creating Community, Fostering Faith: Giving and Stewardship Campaign 2025 Lauren Kopicko Testimonial
Creating Community, Fostering Faith: Giving and Stewardship Campaign 2025 Jen Lingler Sermon
Creating Community, Fostering Faith: Giving and Stewardship Campaign 2025 Kathleen Davies Testimonial