Epiphany at St. Paul’s

After Jesus was born on Christmas, the three wisemen saw a star in the sky. They followed this star until they arrived at the Christ child, where they delivered him gifts to celebrate his birth.

In the Epiphany season we remember the birth of Jesus. We have many ways to celebrate this joyful time at St. Paul’s and hope you will join us!

Epiphany Women’s Morning Retreat

Saturday January 11th from 9am to 12pm

In Epiphany, we remember that it is a star that led the Magi to Jesus. Similarly, we will prayerfully look to stars as we think about our hopes and Intentions for the new year together.

Join us on Saturday January 11th from 9am to 12pm for an Epiphany Women’s Retreat. The morning will include songs, prayer, journaling and good company! Sign up here!

Contact Laura with any questions at [email protected].

Woven: Parents Discussion Group

Jan 12, 19, 26 and Feb 2 from 5:00-6:15pm 

Join us for this discussion of the book “Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From” at St. Paul’s.  Childcare will be provided and there will be an optional dinner after.  This will be a great discussion and also a time to connect with other parents at St. Paul’s.

In this book, Meredith Miller suggests that many people approach building faith as if they are building a brick wall. The wall seems strong, but if a few bricks are removed the entire thing tumbles.

Instead of this model, Miller invites us to think about how we might create a spider’s web of faith. Webs are elastic, and still strong if a few strands are broken. With Woven, families can nurture the kind of faith that can flex and grow, be broken and repaired. This is the sort of faith that can stand up to the life a child will live, the doubts they will encounter, and the questions that will come up along the way.

Sign up and more info can be found here.  

Creation Care Bible Study

Wednesday, January 15 at 7pm, East End Brewing, 651 Washington Road

Join the Creation Care Task Force for a Bible study that focuses on what Scripture has to say about caring for our natural world. Email the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] to RSVP or with any questions.

St. Paul’s 101 – Sunday Nights

Are you new to St. Paul’s, and trying to figure out the parish? Do you want to get connected or reconnected with the church during this time? Have you been here for a while, and want to learn more about the Episcopal Church or still find yourself wondering what’s going on? Do you have questions you want to talk about? Join us for St. Paul’s 101, an overview of our parish and the Episcopal Church. This class is taught by our Rector, the Reverend Noah H. Evans and also serves as preparation for adults who are interested in being formally confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church.

Sundays 5:00-6:15PM, with optional dinner at 6:15.  Childcare provided with RSVP.

  • February 9 – Nooks and Crannies tour of St. Paul’s Building
  • February 16 – Episcopal History: It’s not just about a king’s divorce! and Theology Close to the Ground: Scripture, Tradition and Reason
  • February 23 – Worship: The Way of Prayer is the Way of Belief
  • March 2 – Practicing our Faith: Lay leadership in the church and the world

To register or for more information, contact the Rev. Noah Evans at [email protected] or at (412) 531- 7153x 11.

St. Paul’s 201

Starts January 16 at 7pm

Have you enjoyed St. Paul’s 101, and are looking to learn more?* Join us for St. Paul’s 201 on Thursdays in January & February! These sessions will provide a deeper dive into how the Church has thought about what it means to live as God’s people in this world. We will discuss the Episcopal Church’s ongoing efforts to live into God’s call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, even in the midst of social change. (Micah 6:8). *Note: You don’t have to have taken St. Paul’s 101 to attend, all are welcome!

  • 1/29 7:00pm – Session 1: Created in the Image and Likeness of God: Women, Gender, and Ordination in the Episcopal Church 
  • 2/5 7:00pm – Session 2: Faith, Love, and Marriage: The History of the Episcopal Church’s Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 
  • 2/12 7:00pm –  Session 3: Becoming Beloved Community: The Episcopal Church and Racial Reconciliation 
  • 2/19 7:00pm –  Session 4: Creation Care: The Church and God’s Environment

For more information, contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected].

St. Paul’s 301

Looking for a space to explore deep questions about faith and connect with members of the community over discussion? Join us at St. Paul’s 301 for a series of engaging conversations starting on January 29 through February 19, 7-8 PM in the Library. Together, we’ll dive into topics like the Authority, Incarnation, Resurrection, and the Trinity. If you’re interested, contact Theodore Somes at [email protected] for more details. We’d love to have you join us!

Classes are in the Library on Wednesdays, 7–8 PM, from January 29 to February 19:

  • January 29: Authority – Where we find our truth and how we approach theology
  • February 5: Incarnation – The Good News of God made human
  • February 12: Resurrection – The heart of our faith and the beginning of our praxis
  • February 19: Trinity – Embracing the mystery and living into the unknowable

Ignatian 28 Day Retreat

Organizational meeting: January 18th at 9am in Lounge

Join us for the Ignatian 28 day retreat in the 19th Annotation. journey with scripture, prayers and journaling for about 34 weeks toward a closer relationship with God. The process developed by St. Ignatius is a powerful individual process that moves with you as you explore who you are, who is God, and how God sees you. Those who have invested in this process have been transformed by a new understanding who God is to them, and how God desires and loves them.

We will meet once a week for an hour. In between times you will read a scripture passage daily, pray on it and journal about your prayer experience. At the end of each day you will do the Examen prayer where you review your day and identify those times when you felt close to God and those times when you felt distant and why.

We will be guided by Moment by Moment: A Retreat in Everyday Life  by Carol Ann Smith. Available from Amazon.

We will have our organizational meeting January 18th at 9am at St Paul’s lounge. At that time we will determine the time and day of our meeting as well as go through the process and answer any questions you might have. Our regular meetings will be in person except when the weather turns bad then we will do that session via Zoom. If for some reason you can make a meeting I will offer make up sessions so you don’t fall behind.

Unfortunately there is only room for 10 people. Please call me to reserve your space. 717-360-7662 or email me [email protected]

Guys’ Night Out: Bible and Beer

At Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse, 329 Castle Shannon Blvd.

  • Sunday, January 12 at 4:00PM (Pending Playoff game participants and times)
  • Sunday, February 2 at 4:00PM

Join the Rev. Noah Evans and Bob Melvin and other men from the parish for this pre-dinner gathering of fellowship and exploring some scripture together.

Please RSVP so we know how much space to reserve. Email Noah or call him at (412) 531-7153×11, or email Bob or call him at (412) 531-7153×18.

Bible Study with the Rector

Each Wednesday at 12 noon

This weekly gathering is for those new to, or experienced in, reading the bible. Bring a bible (or we can give you one) and lunch. We’ll meet in the conference room. Please email Noah or call 412-531-7153 x11 for more information.

Door Chalking

After all services the weekend of Sunday, January 5th

Chalk your family’s door this Epiphany! After all services the weekend of Sunday, January 5th, we will be handing out kits, with chalk and a prayer sheet, to all families to take home and chalk their door.

This short liturgy is a way of marking our homes with symbols, usually above the front or main entrance, and asking God’s blessings upon those who live, or work, or visit throughout the coming year. It is a tangible way of honoring God in our lives, and reminding ourselves to seek Christ’s light in all of our everyday experiences.

Come and pick up your supplies, and learn how to engage in this great family spiritual practice!

Calvary Camp Sunday

Sunday, January 12 at the 8:45 and 10:45 services

Join us for Calvary Camp Sunday at St. Paul’s on Sunday, January 12! Calvary Camp Director of Spiritual Life the Rev. Leslie Reimer will preach at the 8:45 and 10:45am services, and the music at the 8:45 will feature favorite camp songs. At 9:45AM for our Adult Education hour we will be joined by Calvary Camp staff who will share more about the camp with us. All are welcome to join us this morning! Learn more about camp here: https://www.calvarycamp.org

Newcomer Receptions

January 12, 12:00 PM in the Lounge

Whether you are new to St. Paul’s over the last year or so or just came for the first time this week, you are invited to come to one of our Newcomer Receptions. Come learn about what makes our church such a special community. Children are welcome! If you’d like more information, please email Theodore Somes at [email protected] or (412)531-7153 x20.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Monday, Jan. 20, 9am to Noon

Mt. Lebanon is hosting its first ever MLK Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 20. Participants will volunteer at service sites across the South Hills. St. Paul’s will be both a service site and a source of volunteers to other locations across the South Hills. To sign up, scan the QR code or go to mtlebanon.org. If you are interested in participating, have questions, or have an idea for a service site, please contact Theodore Somes at [email protected] or (412) 531-7153×20

St. Paul’s Concert Series: James Iman

January 19, 2025 at 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary

Join us!

Ordination of Theodore Somes

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 7 pm in the Sanctuary

Please join us.

Calling All Scouts! Scout Sunday

Sunday, February 4

Calling All Scouts! Scout Sunday on Sunday, February 4 is coming up! There will be many opportunities for Scouts to participate during the 8:45 service. If you are in Scouts BSA, the Girl Scouts, Adventure Guides, or another scouting organization who is interested and available, contact the Rev. Theodore Somes at [email protected] or 412-531-7153 ext. 20.