Epiphany Season at St. Paul’s
Epiphany 2024
After Jesus was born on Christmas, the three wisemen saw a star in the sky. They followed this star until they arrived at the Christ child, where they delivered him gifts to celebrate his birth. In the Epiphany season we remember the birth of Jesus. We have many ways to celebrate this joyful time at St. Paul’s and hope you will join us!
St. Paul’s Small Groups: Good Book Club
Start your new year off with the spiritual practice of reading scripture and discussing it in community by joining a small group at St. Paul’s! This Epiphany we will read the book of Genesis together.
Groups start the week of January 8th and run until Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday, Feb 13) as part of the Good Book Club. Here is the daily reading schedule. An optional book to accompany your reading can be purchased here. You can read along on your own or join one of our Small Groups.
Small Group Time and Leaders:
Tuesday at 7:00AM on Zoom – Led by Noah Evans– Email: [email protected]
Tuesday at 6:00PM at St. Paul’s – Led by Laura Di Panfilo– Email: [email protected]
Wednesday at 7PM on Zoom– Led by Eileen Sharbaugh– Email: [email protected]
Thursday at 11:30AM on Zoom– Led by Erin Morey– Email: [email protected]
St. Paul’s 101 and 201 – Starting in January
St. Paul’s 101
Are you new to St. Paul’s, and trying to figure out the parish? Do you want to get connected or reconnected with the church during this time? Have you been here for a while, and want to learn more about the Episcopal Church or still find yourself wondering what’s going on? Do you have questions you want to talk about? Join us for St. Paul’s 101, an overview of our parish and the Episcopal Church. This class also would serve as preparation for adults who are interested in being formally confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church.
- 1/3/24 at 7:30PM Session 1 Nooks and Crannies tour of St. Paul’s Building
- 1/10/24 at 7:30PM Session 2 Episcopal History: It’s not just about a king’s divorce! and Theology Close to the Ground: Scripture, Tradition and Reason
- 1/17/24 at 7:30PM Session 3 Worship: The Way of Prayer is the Way of Belief
- 1/24/24 at 7:30PM Session 4 Practicing our Faith: Lay leadership in the church and the world
St. Paul’s 201
St. Paul’s 201 starts January 10: Have you enjoyed St. Paul’s 101, and are looking to learn more?* Join us for St. Paul’s 201 on Wednesdays in January! These sessions will provide a deeper dive into how the Church has thought about what it means to live as God’s people in this world. We will discuss the Episcopal Church’s ongoing efforts to live into God’s call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, even in the midst of social change. (Micah 6:8). *Note: You don’t have to have taken St. Paul’s 101 to attend, all are welcome!
Bible Study with the Rector
Restarting Wednesday 1/4 at 12 noon
This weekly gathering is for those new to, or experienced in, reading the bible. Bring a bible (or we can give you one) and lunch. We will continue in Proverbs.. We’ll meet in the conference room. Please email Noah or call 412-531-7153 x11 for more information.
Guys’ Night Out: Bible and Beer
- Sunday, February 4 at 4PM
At Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse, 329 Castle Shannon Blvd.
Join the Rev. Noah Evans and Bob Melvin and other men from the parish for this pre-dinner gathering of fellowship and exploring some scripture together.
Please RSVP so we know how much space to reserve. Email noah ([email protected]) or call him at (412) 317153×11, or Bob ([email protected]) or call him at (412) 531-7153×18.
Beginning January 10 at 1:30-3 PM, Kathy Bashaar and Jill Gordon are offering a “Writing Your Life” small group experience on ZOOM. A list of prompts is provided each week, or you can choose your own topic and memories!
Come! Let’s write and share our stories, and listen to one another, as we also consider where God might be speaking.
Please sign up by emailing both Kathy and Jill . Please let us know you’re interested soon!
- MUSICAL NOTATION FOR RINGERS 101 Thursday, January 11, 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Choir Room
- BELL RINGING TECHNIQUES 101 Thursday, January 18, 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Calvary Camp Sunday
Sunday, January 21st at the 8:45 and 10:45 services
Join us for Calvary Camp Sunday at St. Paul’s on Sunday, January 21st. The 8:45 and 10:45am services and the music at the 8:45 will feature favorite camp songs. At 9:45AM for our Adult Education hour we will be joined by Executive Director: Mr. Timothy N. Green who will share more about the camp with us.. All are welcome to join us this morning! Learn more about camp here: https://www.calvarycamp.org
Sunday, January 21, 12:00 noon
If you are new to St. Paul’s over the last year or so, or even just came for the first time this week, you are invited to come to one of our Newcomer Receptions. Come learn about what makes our church such a special community. Children are welcome! If you’d like more information, please email Noah Evans at [email protected] or (412)531-7153 x11.
Abraham’s Table: Community at the Turkish Cultural Center
Monday, January 22, 2024, 6:00 PM
Join us as St. Paul’s engages in a monthly discussion series called Abraham’s Table with the Turkish Cultural Center and Temple Emanuel. At each meeting we will share dinner, then hear a presentation with Q & A. Download the flyer to learn more, and click here or scan the QR code to register.
Epiphany Women’s Retreat
Saturday, January 27th from 9am-12pm
Be SMART Presentation on Gun Safety
Sunday, January 28, 2024, 2pm, in the Undercroft
Join St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Nursery School Pittsburgh in a presentation from the Pittsburgh Be SMART Team. There is a role for everyone in the conversation around secure gun storage. Be SMART is a framework that parents, caretakers, and community leaders can follow to help keep their communities safe. Ultimately, you can help prevent kids from accessing firearms by storing them securely, and encouraging others to do the same. Because children deserve to feel safe, no matter where they are.
St. Paul’s Concert Series presents James Iman
Sunday, January 28 at 4 pm
James Iman is a contemporary pianist from Chatham University. He will present modern and contemporary works, with an appearance by Christin Cooper.
Social Justice Book Club
January 31st and February 28th, 1:30pm in the conference room, 7pm on Zoom
Every month we will discuss a book with relevance to Social Justice. All book club discussions will be held on the last Wednesday of the month, both in person at St. Paul’s conference room from 1:30pm to 2:30pm, and on Zoom from 7- 8pm. Join us for these important discussions! If you haven’t had time to read the book but are interested in the topic, you are welcome to come and get a better idea of what the books are about. Download the flyer to get more information about January and February’s books!
Adult Forums
Adult Forums take place Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Undercroft at St Paul’s. These sessions offer opportunities to grow in our faith by learning from and with members of our community. The list of the upcoming forums can be found below.
The Book of Genesis
Sunday, January 7 at 9:45am in the Undercroft
Join the Rev. Erin Morey and learn about the Book of Genesis, and the fascinating, ancient stories of our ancestors in faith. Email [email protected] for more information.
Jeremiah’s Place marks 10 years!
Sunday, January 14 at 9:45am
Parishioners Tammy Aupperle (Executive Director) and Eileen Sharbaugh (Co-Founder) will reflect on the impactful work of this local nonprofit, as well as look forward to exploring the ways Jeremiah’s Place plans to continue to meet the needs of families with young children in our region. Learn more about Pittsburgh’s only 24/7 crisis nursery as Tammy and Eileen share stories highlighting the vital role Jeremiah’s Place plays in protecting young children and supporting the families who love them.
Calvary Camp Sunday
Sunday January 21st at 9:45am
We will be joined by Calvary Camp Executive Director: Mr. Timothy N. Green who will share more about the camp with us.
Pilgrimage to Iona
Learning from High Adventure
Sunday, February 4 at 9:45am
On this Scout Sunday, join a panel of our Scout Troop 284 Scouts and our Rector, Noah, to share their learnings and experiences from two 70+ mile backpacking trips on Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands Trail and Quehanna Trail. Hear about how wilderness experiences have led to growth and leadership development in these young adults and Scouting’s impact on their lives.
What is Lent?
Sunday, February 11 at 9:45am
Join The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo for a conversation about Lent, what it is, where it comes from, and how we might observe it this year!
Scout Sunday-
February 4th
Calling All Scouts! Scout Sunday – Sunday, February 4. Scout Sunday is coming up! There will be many opportunities for Scouts to participate during the 8:45 service, so if you are a Scout who is interested and available, let the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] 412-531-7153 ext. 13 know.
Pancakes and Ashes
Sunday, February 11 from 5:30pm-8pm
We’ll welcome our 6th-12th graders for an all-youth event on Sunday, February 11 from 5:30pm-8pm — it’s Pancakes and Ashes! We’ll make ashes for Ash Wednesday, and then hit the kitchen to prep (and taste) all the food for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!
February 13 from 5pm-7pm
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper takes place February 13 from 5pm-7pm, with all proceeds benefiting this June’s Youth Mission Trip to West Virginia!