Fall at St. Paul’s

Academic Year Worship Schedule resumes the weekend of September 7-8, 2024

  • Saturday, 6pm, no music, at Old St. Luke’s Church (Old Washington Pike, Carnegie, PA 15106)
  • Sunday, 8am, Chapel, no music
  • Sunday, 8:45am with music led by worship band and Children’s Chapel
  • Sunday, 10:45am, with Chancel Choir and Organ

Eucharist on Wednesdays at 11:00AM in the Church resumes on September 4.

Check back as we add more Fall events and information!

Bible Study with the Rector

Each Wednesday at 12 noon

This weekly gathering is for those new to, or experienced in, reading the bible. Bring a bible (or we can give you one) and lunch. We are reading the Letter to the Hebrews. We’ll meet in the conference room. Please email Noah or call 412-531-7153 x11 for more information.

St. Paul’s Small Groups

Begin the week of September 8th

Our small group book this fall will be Rachel Held Evans’ “Searching for Sunday.” This book is written for anyone who might have questions about their faith, church, and God. “Searching for Sunday” is a heartfelt ode to the past and a hopeful gaze into the future of what it means to be a part of the modern church.

St. Paul’s Small Groups meet at various times throughout the week to read and discuss a common text or prayer. Small groups provide mutual support. Each has its own leader and meeting location. You are welcome to join a small group at any time. Many people stay with their same group throughout the year, and some join just because they are interested in a book or topic being discussed at a certain time. For more information, or if you would like to start or help lead a small group, please contact the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo [email protected] or call (412) 531-7153×12.

Small Groups for “Searching for Sunday” begin the week of September 8th and run through Advent.

Small Group Time and Leaders:

  • Tuesday at 9:00AM Hybrid in person in Library and on Zoom– Led by Noah Evans [email protected]
  • Tuesday at 6:00PM at St. Paul’s – In Person in Library – Led by Laura Di Panfilo [email protected]
  • Wednesday at 5:30PM – In person in Library and on Zoom – Led by Theodore Somes [email protected]
  • Wednesday at 7:00PM on Zoom – Led by Eileen  Sharbaugh [email protected]
  • Thursday at 11:30AM on Zoom- Led by Erin Morey [email protected]

Guys’ Night Out: Bible and Beer

At Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse, 329 Castle Shannon Blvd.

  • Sunday, November 10 at 5pm (after Steelers game)

Join the Rev. Noah Evans and Bob Melvin and other men from the parish for this pre-dinner gathering of fellowship and exploring some scripture together.

Please RSVP so we know how much space to reserve. Email Noah or call him at (412) 531-7153×11, or email Bob or call him at (412) 531-7153×18.

Creation Care Bible Study 

Wednesday, November 20 at 7pm, East End Brewing, 651 Washington Road

Join the Creation Care Task Force for a Bible study that focuses on what Scripture has to say about caring for our natural world. Email the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] to RSVP or with any questions.

Learning to Pray

Start up meeting Saturday, September 14th at 10 am in the Lounge

Learning to Pray is a 8 week program offered this Fall. The program is designed to strengthen and enhance your prayer by introducing you to the purpose and benefits of prayer as well as a variety of prayer forms. Each week you will have daily exercises to read. You are expected to journal your daily experiences as you practice each new prayer form. We will gather one evening a week in person at the church to discuss our journeys, share our struggles with the new prayer forms and to share any break thoughts.

The program has been designed this way because it is in community that we support and help each other go deeper in our relationship with God.

The start up meeting is September 14th at 10 am in the Lounge. During the start up process we will discuss the process, answer any questions and set the evening and time we will meet. If you can’t make the meeting but would still like to participate, please send an email to Ted Babcock at [email protected]

Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life

St. Paul’s Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life begins Saturday, September 21 from 12:00-1:00 in the conference room. All are welcome! St. Ignatius designed retreats for us to use that involve spending some time reading the Bible every day and reflecting. Participants will engage in these spiritual exercises and express them in journals. The group will meet every Saturday for an hour to discuss our experiences.

As a group, we will engage in reflection together: What are your feelings about your experiences, interests, places you have visited, pastimes, and life stories? How does this memory and understanding express your desire now? How might this express where God is calling you to the next chapter of your life? We will meet as a group every Saturday from 12-1 through May 31 for an hour where all are invited to listen and share reflecting about our weekly journeys from our journals. The sign up form is located here.

If you would like some more information about St. Ignatius’ teachings, you may also find that on St. Paul’s website here: https://www.stpaulspgh.org/blog/ignatian-retreat-in-daily-life/

Sacred Ground 2 Coming this Fall

If you have participated previously in Sacred Ground, the Episcopal Church’s facilitated discussion curriculum on the history of race relations, please consider signing up for Sacred Ground 2. During these 6 sessions, you will plan and develop a project. Please watch for dates and signup information to be announced soon. If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] or (412) 531-7153 x13.

Adult Forums

All Adult forums are held in the Undercroft on Sundays at 9:45am.

Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From- November 17

Join Laura for a discussion on how to share our faith with children. This discussion will be based on Meredith Miller’s book “Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From.” In this book, Miller suggests that many people approach building faith as if they are building a brick wall.  The wall seems strong, but if a few bricks are removed the entire thing tumbles. 

Instead of this model, Miller invites us to think about how we might create a spider’s web of faith. Webs are flexible, and still strong if a few strands are broken. With Woven, families can nurture the kind of faith that can flex and grow, be broken and repaired. This is the sort of faith that can stand up to the life a child will live, the doubts they will encounter, and the questions that will come up along the way. 

Although this book is aimed at raising spirituality in children, it has profound insight for all of us and will be beneficial for people in all stages of life.

Learning the Daily Office- November 24

Led by the Rev. Theodore Somes. Looking to add some calm and meaning to your daily routine? Join us on November 24 as Theodore introduces the Daily Office, an ancient  form of prayer designed to center your day around prayer.

With its origins in the earliest days of Christianity, this practice has stood the test of time for a reason—it works. Theodore will take us through the essentials of the Daily Office, sharing practical ways to integrate it into our modern lives. You’ll get plenty of resources to make this beautiful tradition your own. Come to explore a practice that could become the best part of your day!

Advent Wreathmaking- December 1

Join us for a favorite Advent tradition. We will be making Advent wreaths using fresh greens, ribbons, and purple and pink candles. Come and learn all about how and why we mark each Sunday in Advent with a candle, and what those candles mean! Wreath form and candles $10, candles only $5. Feel free to bring your old wreath forms to reuse.


Help support our Dormont Neighbors –

Bethany Lutheran Church has asked for our help stocking their Free Pantry and Take – It – Tables on an ongoing basis.

You can bring used kitchen utensils; small knick-knacks / home decor; new toys; men’s clothing (especially gloves, socks, hats, and belts) and bedding. They are also in need of powdered milk! 

You can drop off your items in the bin in the Undercroft, and we will bring these items for them to distribute. Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions!

Thanksgiving food for our Dormont Neighbors

Between now and November 20, you can drop off boxed stuffing, instant potatoes, canned gravy, cranberry sauce, and beans, and packages desserts (like cookies).

We will bring these items to Bethany Lutheran Church for their Thanksgiving dinner baskets. You can also join them on Friday November 22 to pack the baskets, and from Sunday November 24 from 12 – 3 to pass the baskets out.

Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions!

Fall Meal Programs @The Table and Neighborhood Resilience Project

Dates throughout the Fall through December

St. Paul’s will be preparing meals for The Table @ Hot Metal Faith Community and Neighborhood Resilience Project on an ongoing basis, and you can sign up now for fall dates. Many dates are available from September through December, with more to come. 

Join us as we continue the good work of the Summer of Suppers and serve our larger community!

Parish Wide Events

Bishop Visitation

Sunday, November 17, 2023, 8:45am and 10:45am

Join us in welcoming Bishop Ketlen Solak on Sunday November 17. She will be celebrating and preaching at the 8:45AM and 10:45AM service this morning. There will be confirmations and receptions at the 10:45AM service. Please join us as we welcoming our Bishop to our parish.

If you are interested in being Confirmed, formally Received into the Episcopal Church or Reaffirm your Baptismal promised, please contact the Reverend Noah H. Evans ([email protected] or 412-531-7153 x11). Please see the article “Is it the right time for you to be formally received into the Episcopal Church?” for more information.

Abrahamic Table at Turkish Cultural Center

November 18 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for a series of engaging conversations that bring together the wisdom and shared values of the Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These events are designed to foster dialogue, promote empathy, and explore the importance of coexistence in a diverse world.

The topic is Coexistnce and Mutual Respect in a Diverse Society: Lessons from Abrahamic Faiths.

Click here to register for this event.

Thanksgiving Day Worship service

Thursday, November 28 at 10am (Livestream)

Join us for Thanksgiving worship at St.Paul’s

Sign up for the St. Paul’s Women’s Retreat!

December 6-8th at Jumonville Camp & Retreat Center

Join us this December 6-8th at Jumonville Camp & Retreat Center for our annual Women’s Retreat! This weekend will help us be present to the Advent season as we gather for reflection on this season together. Sign ups and more information can be found here.