Youth Ministry at St. Paul’s
Our youth hear far too often and far too loudly that their worth lies in their achievements: what grades you get, how many sports you excel at, what instruments you play, what college you will attend. At St. Paul’s, however, the first, last, and most important thing youth will hear is that they belong. There is no “them.” There is only “us.” No matter your interests, experiences, your background, or your schedule – when you walk through the door at St. Paul’s, you belong. You are enough.
At St. Paul’s, we talk, we study, we laugh, we pray, we play games, we get serious, and we get silly. Through it all, youth will learn that their worth is based solely on their identity as a child of God – something that can never change or be taken away. In this world that can be so loud, we’re going to turn down those messages of achievement and turn up the message of God’s love and the freedom and joy of beloved community in Christ.
In Confirmation classes, 7th-9th graders learn about their faith and what it means in the larger context of the Episcopal Church, helping our youth to understand what they are saying …
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group welcomes 6th-8th graders in conjunction with (and on weeks opposite of) Confirmation classes. This close relationship with Confirmation preparation is intentional, because our faith is meant …
High School Youth Group
This is our weekly youth group for 9th-12th graders. Equal parts study break and spiritual formation, it is a wonderful way for students to build relationships, grow in faith, and …
Service Projects
Service projects invite youth to live into God’s command to love both God and neighbor. Projects are regularly offered throughout the year working in community with both our parish and …