Lent 2025

Lent is a 40 day season where we prepare for Easter. Our Book of Common Prayer invites us “to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word” (BCP, p. 265).

There are many ways to observe Lent and we hope you will join us at St. Paul’s this season as we prepare for Easter together!

Pancakes and Ashes

Sunday, March 2 from 5:30pm-8pm

Calling all 7th-12th graders — Pancakes and Ashes is here!

We will gather Sunday, March 2 from 5:30pm-8pm. Come for the making ashes for Ash Wednesday with fire, stay for the cooking (and sampling, of course sampling) the pancakes for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

March 4 from 5pm-7pm

Join us for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4 from 5pm-7pm — as always, the proceeds will benefit this June’s Youth Mission Trip! Online ordering for dine-in or takeout will be available soon!

Schedule of Services:

  • 7:30AM – Chapel (no music)
  • 11AM – Church (short service w/ music)
  • 11:40AM – Children’s Ash Wednesday in Chapel
  • 5:30PM – Children’s Ash Wednesday in Chapel
  • 7:30PM – Church with music will be live-streamed

Ashes-to-Go: A short prayer and receiving ashes

At St. Paul’s at the Chapel Door

  • 9:30PM – 10:30AM Drive-by/Stop-by Ashes
  • 1- 2PM Drive-by/Stop-by Ashes

At Mt. Lebanon T-Stop

  • 7:00-8:00AM Stop-by Ashes
  • 4:30-5:30PM Stop-by Ashes

Fish Fry season is here!

March 7, March 21, and April 4

St. Paul’s will hold our annual Lenten Fish Fry Fundraisers on March 7, March 21, and April 4, with proceeds benefiting St. Paul’s outreach ministries.

Online ordering for dine-in and takeout is coming soon.

We need volunteers! Shifts are available across multiple times and tasks, so sign up today! 


For seven years, the people of St. Paul’s have come together to create a Lenten Devotional— an offering that has become a cherished guide for small groups and individuals seeking deeper reflection during the Lenten season. Rooted in the diverse experiences of the people of our community, this devotional is a testament to our shared faith journey.

This year, the Spiritual Growth Commission has chosen the theme and title “Time in the Desert.” Paired with the public-domain works of Ansel Adams, this theme invites us to step into the desert—a place where God meets, shapes, and renews us. 

Physical copies can be picked up at the church the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. Digital Copies will be available to download on this site.

Lenten Small Groups

Begin the week of March 9

Small groups offer an opportunity to share about our lives and deepen our faith together.  The St. Paul’s Small Groups will meet during Lent to read and reflect on the St. Paul’s Lenten Devotional together.  You will be able to down the devotional here.

  • Tuesday at 9:00AM Hybrid in person in Library and on Zoom– Led by Noah Evans [email protected]
  • Tuesday at 6:00PM at St. Paul’s – In Person in Library – Led by Laura Di Panfilo [email protected]

Bible Study with the Rector

Wednesdays at 12 noon

This weekly gathering is for those new to, or experienced in, reading the bible. Bring a bible (or we can give you one) and lunch. We will be reading the Gospel according to Luke. We’ll meet in the conference room. Please email Noah or call 412-531-7153 x11 for more information.

Guys’ Night Out: Bible and Beer

At Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse, 329 Castle Shannon Blvd.

  • Sunday, March 9 at 4pm
  • Sunday, April 6 at 4pm

Join the Rev. Noah Evans and Bob Melvin and other men from the parish for this pre-dinner gathering of fellowship and exploring some scripture together.

Please RSVP so we know how much space to reserve. Email Noah or call him at (412) 531-7153×11, or email Bob or call him at (412) 531-7153×18.

Sunday Evening Formation

Bible Boot Camp

Sundays March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 from 5:00-6:15pm

Childcare provided • Join us for an optional potluck after each session!

Led by the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo

Do you want to understand the Bible better? Welcome to Bible Boot Camp! The word “Bible” comes from the Greek word for “books,” because the Bible is made up of a variety of books that help us get to know God better. In Bible Boot Camp, we’ll explore different types of books within the Bible to deepen our understanding of scripture. Whether you’re new to studying the Bible or read it daily, we invite everyone to join us for these discussions this Lent.

You are welcome to join us for all or some of these sessions!

March 9 – What is the Bible – Origins and History
March 16 – Law and Prophets
March 23 – Wisdom Literature
March 30 – Gospel
April 6 – Epistles

Sign up here.

Wednesday Lenten Supper and Study: Forgiveness

Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 6-8PM

Led by: The Rev. Erin Morey

In this five-week series, we will explore what we mean when we talk about forgiveness. What does it actually mean to forgive? Why should we forgive? How can we forgive?

Our guide will be The Book of Forgiving, written by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and his daughter, the Rev. Mpho Tutu, so feel free to purchase the book in advance if you’d like to join us for these talks and discussions. No prior church study experience is necessary, and if you don’t have a chance to get or read the book, please join us anyway!

Feel free to come to all or some of each evening’s events.
Potluck Supper: 6PM (Undercroft) – Sign up on the Bulletin Board
Presentation and Discussion: 6:45PM (Undercroft)
Evening Worship: 7:45PM (Church)

Wednesday Evening Worship during Lent

Wednesdays at 8pm during Lent in the Sanctuary

After our Wednesday Lenten Supper and Class, join us for worship in the sanctuary at 8 PM. Each week offers a unique way to pray and reflect, whether through the quiet repetition of Taizé worship, walking the Stations of the Cross, or hearing the Pittsburgh Compline Choir from Heinz Chapel.

We welcome you to take part in this special time of prayer and reflection.  

And Also With You Live Event

Friday March 21, 2025 from 7:00-8:30pm in the Sanctuary

Did you know that our Associate Rector Laura has a podcast?! 

Laura co-hosts “And Also With You,” a podcast that seeks to reclaim an ancient Christian faith in a modern Christian life.  On Friday March 21st “And Also With You” will be recording an episode live at St. Paul’s! 

Join us as we attempt to answer the question, “What does a liberated Christianity look like?”  For more information and a RSVP, please click here.

A Lenten Morning Retreat: Refining to Shine

What can you let God refine so that you can shine?

Hosted by the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo and the Rev.Lizzie McManus-Dail

Saturday March 22 from 9am to 12 noon

Lent is a season of penitence and reflecting on our mortality — but that doesn’t mean it is a time to think less of ourselves or beat ourselves up for falling short. Instead, it is an opportunity to deliberately invite God to transform our hearts, to embolden us to tell and be transformed by the truth, to ask God to help us in a new start, to ask God to give us courage to be loving, kind, justice-seeking, and bridge-building. As the great hymn “How Firm a Foundation” goes, it is a time for God to consume our dross (old-timey word for rubbish) and to refine our gold. Lent is a time we ask God to make us shine!

So in that spirit, come spend a morning reflecting on what you need to lay down so that God can polish you up and shine. We will sing some hymns, hear a short teaching from Rev. Lizzie expanding on themes of forgiveness, freedom, and mercy as found in her new book, God Didn’t Make Us to Hate Us, and spend the lion’s share of time in creative reflection, art-making prayer, and contemplation.

Questions? Contact the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo at [email protected]

Sign up here.

Adult Forums take place Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Undercroft at St Paul’s. These sessions offer opportunities to grow in our faith by learning from and with members of our community.

Paul’s Letter to the Roman’s: Paul’s Masterwork of God’s Redeeming Love

Sundays during Lent at 9:45AM in the Undercroft

Led by: The Reverend Noah H. Evans

Paul’s Letter to the Romans is Paul’s masterwork about the working of God’s love and power in the world. Written late in his life, Paul’s thinking about God’s work in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is highly developed in this finely crafted letter.  Paul explores how God has worked through the Hebrew people and not extends that same promise to the entire world. He also inspires readers to live out of God’s power, love and forgiveness.  Join us, led by our Rector, in this exploration of Paul this letter and how it can shape how we live our faith today. You do not need to attend all sessions. 

March 9: Paul and the Human Condition: Romans 1-4

March 16: The Assurance of Christ: Romans 5-7

March 23: “Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God”: Romans 8

March 30: God’s Love for all people:Romans 9-11

April 6: Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Romans 12-16

Cooking for Neighborhood Resilience Project

Cooking at St. Paul’s, Tuesdays, February 25, March 25, April 22, May 13

Serving at Neighborhood Resilience Project, Wednesdays, February 26, March 26, April 23, and May 14

St. Paul’s will be preparing meals for the Neighborhood Resilience Project monthly in 2025, and you can sign up now. Join us for these special events!

Lunch Packing For Our Community Partners

Saturdays, March 1, April 5, and May 3 from 9am am – 11am in the Nursery School Big Room

We will continue to pack lunches for the Neighborhood Resilience Project in the Hill District; Bethlehem Haven, Second Avenue Commons, and Trinity Walk-In Ministry downtown; and Light of Life Ministries on the North Side on the first Saturday of each month! 

Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questios. Our next sign up will be live soon.

Shepherd Wellness Meal Volunteering

Fridays, March 28, April 11, and May 9 

Shepherd Wellness is an Episcopal ministry, located in Pittsburgh’s Bloomfield neighborhood, caring for people living with HIV/AIDS.

St. Paul’s has become a monthly sponsor of Shepherd Wellness Community’s Friday meals. Volunteers can come and help prepare the meals on site, or serve them and share in fellowship with members!

Sign ups will be posted soon. Contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, April 15, 1pm to 6pm 

St. Paul’s will be hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross during Holy Week in the Undercroft.

Please pre-register at www.RedCrossBlood.org:

  • Go to Find a Blood Drive in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter zip code 15228.
  • When the map pops up, click on “by distance” to review available times for the St. Paul’s blood drive.

Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions..

Enneagram Life in My Sails: Affirming Our Life Stories

Sunday, March 2 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in the Conference Room.

Have you ever wanted to uncover and understand what motivates why you think, feel, and act the way you do?  The Enneagram provides a learning tool about nine types of personality.  It is also a tool to recognize traits that occur in times of stress and health for each personality type.

From the Christian perspective, on our life journeys the Enneagram explains the original wounded parts of human behavior from our childhoods that also formed our personality.  Listening to and affirming our life stories is a prayerful way to cultivate our compassion and kindness.  It is a lifelong journey of prayer toward integration, forgiveness and healing

You can register and find out more about this program by sending an email with your name and indicate you will attend to Jerry Rutledge at [email protected].

St. Paul’s Welcomes the Pittsburgh Compline Choir

Wednesday, March 12 at 8PM

Join us on Wednesday, March 12 at 8PM, as we welcome the Pittsburgh Compline Choir to our sanctuary for a special service of sung compline.

For centuries, Christians have ended their day with Compline—a final prayer before rest. Led by our Organist and Choirmaster Douglas-Jayd Burn, the Pittsburgh Compline Choir has kept this tradition alive at Heinz Memorial Chapel on the University of Pittsburgh campus, offering compline in a beautifully crafted choral setting for over 30 years. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience this tradition through their artistry.

For questions, contact Theodore Somes, III at [email protected] or (412) 531-7153×20. 

Healing Prayer

February 9, March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6, at the 8:45 and 10:45 services.

We will be offering Healing Prayer on the second Sunday of the month, and the first five weeks of Lent.

Members of the Healing Prayer Team will be located on either side of the room. Before or after receiving Communion, you are invited to go to one of the two prayer stations on either side of the altar for laying on of hands and prayers for healing. You may ask for a prayer for yourself, someone you care for, or a general prayer. 

Our clergy or trained lay healing prayer ministers will keep all prayer requests in private confidence. Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions.

Ramadan Iftar with our Turkish Friends at St. Paul’s

Sunday, March 23 at 7pm in the Undercroft

Our Turkish friends are generously sharing an Iftar meal with the St. Paul’s community during the holy month of Ramadan! Please come, share a meal, and celebrate! Information about registration and volunteering will be posted soon. Contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions.

St. Paul’s Concert Series: Christin Cooper

April 6 at 2pm

Christin Cooper is a pianist, organist, choral singer, and music educator who has been active in music ministry at St. Paul’s. As a performer, Christin is dedicated to presenting works by living and underrepresented composers. Join us!

Ukelele Ensemble for Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13 at 9:45

Calling ALL Ukulele Players of ALL Ages

If you play the ukulele, no matter if you’re just learning to play, or have played for some time, we would LOVE to have you join our ukulele ensemble at the 9:45am service on Palm Sunday.

Several of our Children’s Chapel ukulele players will be leading us in song as part of our service, and you are invited to support them! We will gather at 9am that morning to practice as a group. Note: even if you are already involved in this service, you will still be able to participate in the ukulele ensemble. The musical selection will be provided ahead of time so you can practice, and will be accessible for players of ALL levels.

Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] to let us know you’d like to participate, or with any questions. 

LGBTQIA+ Potluck

Sunday, April 27 at 5pm

in the Undercroft

Join us for our next LGBTQIA+ potlucks! Everyone at St. Paul’s is invited for fun and fellowship as we celebrate the diversity of our faith community. The sign-up sheet for potluck items for the February potluck is here. Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at [email protected].

Palm Sunday Passion Reading

Palm Sunday, April 13 at 9:45 Combined Service

This year our 9:45am Palm Sunday (April 13) service will include a dramatic reading of the passion narrative. If you would like to participate, please fill out the interest form here.   All participants are required to attend the rehearsal on Saturday, April 12th at 4pm in the St. Paul’s Sanctuary.  Please contact Laura with questions: [email protected]

Palm Sunday: April 13

  • 6PM (April 12) in the Church, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
  • 8AM in the Chapel, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
  • 9:45AM Palm Sunday Combined Worship with Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Dramatic Passion Reading

We will gather to bless palms in the parklet at the corner of Washington & Cochran Roads (above Mt. Lebanon High School) at 9:45am. We will then process to St. Paul’s to continue the service. In the event of heavy rain or other inclement weather, we will send an email update Sunday morning and bless palms at St. Paul’s. You are welcome to come directly to St. Paul’s and view a live feed in the Church if you do not want to participate in the procession.

Stations of the Cross for Children

Good Friday, April 18 at 3:30 pm

Our Children’s Good Friday service will be held in the sanctuary. Children and their families will go through six multisensory stations of the cross where they will rip fabric as the soldiers did in dividing Jesus’s clothes, carry the cross as Jesus did, and wash each other’s feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. For more information, please email the Reverend Laura Di Panfilo.

Holy Wednesday: April 16

  • 11:00AM Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday: April 17

  • 7:00PM Maundy Thursday Service in Sanctuary

Good Friday: April 18

  • 12PM Proper Liturgy for Good Friday in Sanctuary
  • 1PM Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary
  • 3:30PM Stations of the Cross for Children in Sanctuary

Holy Saturday: April 19

  • 7:00PM Great Vigil of Easter in Sanctuary

Easter Sunday: April 20

Both the 8:45AM and 10:45AM services include a “pull-out” Children’s Sermon

  • 7:00AM Easter Sunrise Service in St. Margaret’s Garden (music)
  • 8:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with the Band)
  • 10:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with Organ and Choir)

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 20, 9:45AM

Join us out front of St. Paul’s for the St. Paul’s Easter Egg hunt on Sunday, April 20 (Easter Sunday) at 9:45AM. There will be lots of eggs, candy, and maybe a special visitor too!