Adult Education
Our education or formation as Christians does not end with Sunday School and Confirmation. Formation begins at infancy and continues throughout our life. We are continuing to be educated and formed in our faith and spirituality, not just learning more, but understanding more about the person God has created us to be and our relationship with God who loves and forgives us. We mature in our faith and try to live into the promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant.
Sunday Morning Adult Forum
Adult Forum takes place on most Sunday mornings during the program year from 9:45 to 10:30 AM. Clergy and parishioners of St. Paul’s, share in presenting the Sunday morning offerings, …
Ignatian Way
The Ignatian exercises are a gift from the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius. He developed them over 500 years ago to guide every person who desires it to a …
St. Paul’s Small Groups
St. Paul’s Small Groups meet at various times throughout the week to read and discuss a common text or prayer. Small groups provide mutual support. Each has its own leader …
Learning to Pray
The Learning to Pray class offers an opportunity to expand your prayer life so you might get to know God better and draw God’s presence deeper into your life. Most …
St. Paul’s 101
Are you new to St. Paul’s, and trying to figure out the parish? Do you want to get connected or reconnected with the church during this time? Have you been …
Sacred Ground
Exploring Racism and Discrimination in America This ten part series offers videos, readings, and small group discussion to help us “walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, …
St. Paul’s 201
Have you enjoyed St. Paul’s 101, and are looking to learn more?* Join us for St. Paul’s 201! These sessions will provide a deeper dive into how the Church has …
Friday Book Club
This monthly group meets on the second Friday of the month at 1pm in the Lounge to discuss book selections chosen by participants, typically popular fiction and historical titles. New …
Bible Study with the Rector
Join us each Wednesday at noon for St. Paul’s Rector-led Bible study. We will continue to meet each week for one hour. You are invited to come (bring a lunch) …