Social Justice
As part of our baptismal covenant, we promise to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”
St. Paul’s engages in vibrant and desperately-needed outreach to make an immediate difference in the lives of people in crisis as a way of living out this promise. In pursuing social justice, we also work to come up with positive solutions to address larger questions about injustice in society. To use the old metaphor, the difference between outreach and social justice is the difference between giving a person a fish to eat for a day, and teaching the person to fish to allow them to eat for a lifetime.
If you would like to access some resources, prayer, or taking action, here is a guide.
Sacred Ground
Exploring Racism and Discrimination in America This ten part series offers videos, readings, and small group discussion to help us “walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, …
The Episcopal Public Policy Network
The Episcopal Public Policy Network works to educate, equip, and engage Episcopalians. We engage in advocacy because federal government legislation and policies affect the most vulnerable among us. And as …
South Hills Gun Sense Alliance
The South Hills Gun Sense Alliance is bipartisan community organization committed to educating and bringing opportunities to the South Hills to help combat gun violence. In this effort, we work …
A life without gun violence that allows people from every community across the commonwealth to thrive — where communities feel safe, because they are safe. CeaseFirePA organizes with communities closest …
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light is aligned in its mission with IPL National to cultivate a religious response to the threat of climate change. We see climate change as a …
Lebo Pride
Lebo Pride is a nonprofit organization bringing queer and gender diverse education and visibility to the larger Mt. Lebanon community through celebration. We are community-based and led by local LGBTQIA+ …
LeboGreen is a group of Mt. Lebanon citizen volunteers devoted to conserving energy, water and waste in our community. They work with residents, elected officials, institutions, businesses, non-profits and the …