New Vestry Elected

Congratulations to St. Paul’s new Vestry!!

St. Paul’s Officers and Vestry 2022


Ginny Barnicoat…………………..Senior Warden

Michele Baum……………………..Junior Warden

Frank Horrigan…………………….Secretary

Dave Sharbaugh (non-voting)..Treasurer

Bob Johnston (non-voting)…….Assistant Treasurer

Vestry and their Commissions

Freya Dickson-LaPrade…………Children & Youth

Gina Brownfield……………………Spiritual Growth & Formation

Gretchen Crane……………………Community Life & Fellowship; Outreach

Michele Baum………………………Property

Paul Golebie………………………..Finance

Frank Horrigan…………………….Outreach

Jon Delano………………………….Stewardship

Kathleen Davies Hendricks……Worship

Leigh Coogan………………………Pastoral Care

Jen Lingler…………………………..Social Justice and Anti-Racism

Jan Toth………………………………Endowment