Signups for children and youth

Registration for Sunday School and other children and youth programs

Don’t forget to sign up for all of your kids’ favorite children/youth programs! From Sunday School to Youth Groups to Acolyting to the Christmas Pageant and everything else in between, this is how you get on our email lists!

St. Paul’s Youth Programs

  • Youth Group includes fun, food, and fellowship! If you’re in 9th-12th grades, join us in the Youth Room every Wednesday as we gather to catch up with old friends and make some new ones as well.
  • Youth Forum is open to all 7th-12th graders and takes place between our two Sunday morning services. This fall, Film School is back as we engage societal, social, and spiritual topics through the lens of popular media. Join us!
  • Confirmation class is for 7th, 8th and 9th grade students! Get ready for an exciting year of spiritual formation and service!