Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church!

Know that God loves you. No exceptions! You are always welcome at God’s table at St. Paul’s.

Whenever someone new is found in our midst, it is a gift from God. St. Paul’s is a spiritual home and welcoming community to people of all ages, generations, educational backgrounds, financial means, abilities and disabilities, races, ethnicities and nationalities, without regard to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, with many different family and religious backgrounds.

Some of us are lifelong Episcopalians; some were raised in other Protestant denominations or in the Roman Catholic Church; some are new to the Christian faith; some are not quite sure what they believe. There is a place here for you.

I hope you will find the information on our website helpful as you explore the opportunities in our faith community. Please know that the other clergy and I am available to you. I would love to talk or meet with you to answer any questions you may have about the Church or about where you are on your spiritual path. Please feel free to call or email me.

Know that you are always welcome here.

The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector

Our Welcome Statement

Know that God loves you. No exceptions!

You are always welcome at God’s table at St. Paul’s, regardless of age, faith background or life circumstances.

St. Paul’s is a spiritual home and welcoming community to people of all ages, generations, educational backgrounds, financial means, abilities and disabilities, races, ethnicities and nationalities, without regard to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, with many different family and religious backgrounds. Some of us are lifelong Episcopalians; some were raised in other Protestant denominations or in the Roman Catholic Church; some are new to the Christian faith; some are not quite sure what they believe. There is a place here for you.

Clergy & Staff

Meet the clergy and staff of St. Paul’s.

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“The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property … Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting. …

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