​A Holy Week Message from the Rector

A Holy Week Message from the Rector

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 13:15

Love is vulnerable. It puts us in contact with loss and heartbreak. Living a life of love is offering ourselves for the sake of others, sometimes at great costs. During the walk of Holy Week, we mark the beauty and cost of the perfect love that we know in the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate Christ’s victory over death, and our first walk through this season with a deadly global pandemic clearly behind us. As we emerge renewed this Easter season, my hope is that we appear more like Christ – more willing to take the risk of love.
Join us this Holy Week and Easter as we walk with Jesus to the cross and tomb and through to Resurrection Life.
Palm Sunday: April 2
  • 6PM (April 1) in the Church, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
  • 8AM in the Chapel, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
  • 9:45AM Palm Sunday Combined Worship with Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Passion Play: We will gather to bless palms in the parklet at the corner of Washington & Cochran Roads at 9:45am. We will then process to St. Paul’s to continue the service.
Holy Wednesday: April 5
  • 11:00AM Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday: April 6
  • 7:00PM Maundy Thursday Service in Sanctuary
Good Friday: April 7
  • 12PM Proper Liturgy for Good Friday in Sanctuary
  • 1PM Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary
  • 3:30PM Stations of the Cross for Children in Sanctuary
Holy Saturday: April 8
  • 7:00PM Great Vigil of Easter in Sanctuary
Easter Sunday: April 9
  • 7:00AM Easter Sunrise Service in St. Margaret’s Garden
  • 8:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary
  • 10:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary
Easter Egg Hunt
  • Sunday, April 9, 9:45AM in St. Margaret’s Garden
St. Paul’s relies on gifts like yours to continue to serve the local community and the wider world, and to help us be inspired and grow into taking the risk of love. We cannot do it without your critical support. The generosity of those who surround this Church allows us to continue our work. You can make your Easter gift here, or by sending a check in the mail.

I pray that you will give generously when you make your Easter gift to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Thank you!

The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector