Expand your prayer life with Learning to Pray

The Learning to Pray course offers an opportunity to expand your prayer life so you might get to know God better and draw God’s presence deeper into your life. Many of us know how to approach God with our litany of needs, but many also struggle with learning to listen for God and how to deepen our relationship with God. The purpose of prayer is to have a dialogue with God so God can get to know you and you can get to know God. In short, it is through prayer that we draw closer to God with an intimate knowledge of who God is and God’s care for each of us.

Based on this very basic human desire to know God, this 8-9 week course was developed that provides a framework to guide each of us into a deeper more meaningful relationship with God. Each week, we will explore a different form of prayer, and will then come together and share our experiences. This group will meet via Zoom on Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00, starting on September 6th, and will be led by Lauren Miller.

If you are interested in this exciting program, please complete this form.

Watch these interviews to learn about Learning to Pray and parishioners who have participated.