Message from the Rector: Welcome Jonathan Wooding and Theodore Somes!

Dear Friends:

As we continue our Lenten journey together, I am excited to announce two new hires to the St. Paul’s staff team starting in the next few months.

First, Jonathan Wooding has accepted our offer to serve as Interim Organist and Choirmaster beginning on June 1st.Following Doug Starr’s retirement at the end of May, Jonathan will assume leadership of our 10:45 AM music ministry and will serve 12-15 months, while the parish conducts a profile development process and a search for a permanent position.Jonathan is well known to this community, as he has served as a substitute and additional organist over the years.His wife, Nici also was a Choral Scholar at St. Paul’s many years ago.I am grateful for the Vestry interview team, along with members of the mini-choir who helped audition candidates for this position.I am excited that he will be sharing his gifts as an organist and Choral conductor with us here at St. Paul’s!

Jonathan grew up in Pleasant Hills where he sang in the choirs of Pleasant Hills Presbyterian Church and studied organ with Jim Lueers. He attended Duquesne University, graduating Summa cum laude with a degree in music technology and composition, and went on to lead the music programs of several churches in both the Pittsburgh and Chicago areas. Jonathan is a software engineer with DQE Communications and a concert musician for the South Hills Chorale. He lives in Whitehall with his wife, Nici, and children, Sam and Leah.

Second, Theodore Somes, has accepted our offer to serve as our full-time Lay Assistant for Christian Formation beginning in May. This summer, our Associate Rector, the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo, will assume leadership of all our Christian Formation programs for all ages, including Children and Family ministries, and Adult Education.Theodore will work under her direction supporting our education and formation programs.

Theodore is known to this congregation.He is a Postulant for Holy Orders for the Priesthood with the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, sponsored by St. Paul’s.He is currently completing his seminary studies at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria Virginia. He graduated from Washington & Jefferson College in 2020 with a BA in Political Science and a Minor in Religious Studies. Theodore grew up around the globe in a military family and since 2006 has lived in Trafford, Pennsylvania, where his parents still live. He is a lay Brother in the Order of Saint Luke. He also serves as a Chaplain Candidate in the US Army Reserve, and previously served as an infantry Marine in the US Marine Corps Reserve. In his free time, Theodore enjoys writing, spending time with friends, being in Pennsylvania’s wonderful outdoors, playing music on his mandolin, and motorcycling.

I am thrilled that Jonathan and Theodore will be joining our staff team, and that their gifts and energies will help to support the ministry of this community as we seek to love God, love our neighbor, and serve the world.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Peace, Noah

The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector
[email protected]