Reflections on St. Paul’s Summer of Song from the Rector

By the Rev. Noah H. Evans

Last night, our Worship Commission joined together to reflect on the Summer of Song, which we concluded last weekend. Our Summer of Song brought to our parish over 15 workshops, concerts, events, and special worship services with the goal of having “judgment-free zones” for us to experiment with music and song, and the self-offering and joy of joining in communal music. In a spirit of discernment and experimentation, we “tried on” music of different styles in the hope of helping us all increase our engagement in the creative musical life of our parish.

It is clear that the musical life of St. Paul’s is vibrant, diverse, and inclusive. This summer we saw more individuals engaged in the musical life of our parish than at any other time, including choir singers, participants in the band, ringers in our bell choir, singers at Taizé Worship, and workshop attendees. Our worship attendance this summer was excellent. We found that though there were few who connected with absolutely everything we tried, most connected with many of our offerings, and everyone was moved and grew from the experiences they had. Of special note was our Paperless Sunday, where we worshiped without bulletins in more spontaneous and extemporaneous ways, which deeply increased our engagement with the music and prayers of the service.

The liturgical tradition of the Episcopal Church is broad and diverse. Currently, the pages of the official supplements to the Book of Common Prayer are far more numerous than those in the original 1979 Prayer Book, and the Episcopal Church now has six hymnals in addition to the Hymnal 1982. It is exciting to me to see us more deeply engaging in the broad living tradition of our church.

Moving forward as a parish, we will continue to deepen this engagement with music and grow in sharing the musical gifts of our congregation. Our parish musical life is not about achieving some point of perfection; instead, it is about the creative expression of each of our experiences of our Holy and Living God.

I want to invite you to continue this journey of exploring music as part of your spiritual journey! Below are opportunities to join musical groups here at St. Paul’s.

Thank you for being a part of this journey through the Summer of Song together!

Peace, Noah
The Reverend Noah H. Evans

Worship Band
Our worship band leads us at the 8:45am service, and at other combined worship services throughout the year. The ensemble includes piano, guitar, bass and other instruments. Both teens and adults participate in this musical ensemble. They rehearse Sundays before church. Contact Bob at [email protected] if you’re interested in joining the fun!


Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings at the 10:45am service and specializes in singing the great hymns and music of the Church. Supported by our magnificent pipe organ and other instruments, this choir of high school age and adult singers offers wonderful choral anthems and descants and leads our singing of Psalms and chant. We rehearse Thursdays during the program year from 7:30 until 8:45 PM and again on Sunday morning at 9:45 AM. Music reading ability and choral singing experience are a plus but not a requirement. Chancel Choir is a great source of fellowship, musicianship, and spirituality – please join us! Contact Jonathan if interested at [email protected].


Bell Choir
Do you love the beauty of a bell choir? Would you like to be part of a bell choir at St. Paul’s?
Being a ringer in a bell choir does NOT require a musical background. We will teach you what you need to know! The only qualifications you need are:
  • Interest in being part of a bell choir
  • Availability to rehearse once a week in the weeks leading up to performances
  • Willingness to learn basic musical notation
  • Desire to make friends and build community around music
Bell Choir currently rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30PM. If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Jan Littrell at [email protected] or Steven Cosnek at [email protected]. We want to hear from you!
Taizé Prayer Group
Living into the tradition of contemplative singing from the Taizé Community in France, this group gathers several times a year to plan, prepare and present Taizé worship services. For more information contact Frank Horrigan at [email protected] and Jan Littrell at [email protected].
Children’s Music
Children regularly learn music, including playing instruments like the Ukulele, percussion, and chimes in Children’s Chapel during the 8:45AM service. For more information about Children’s Chapel and its musical components, please contact the Rev. Laura Di Panfilo at [email protected].