St. Paul’s Spring Clean-up Project 2021

SPRING is here! And that means St Paul’s gardens and grounds need a little sprucing up. Here’s a list of the Spring Clean-up tasks to be accomplished and a sign-up wizard. We very much appreciate the time and energy you are putting forward to make St. Paul’s grounds beautiful for the return of in-person services this Spring!

A few notes:

  • We highly recommend that you wear comfortable clothing and bring your own garden gloves.
  • To the extent you need church tools for the task (rakes, shovels, wheelbarrow, bags for leaves, etc.), please text Tony Brady (412) 605-2338 and let him know what you need and when, and he will work with the Church Sexton to have them available.
  • Leaf bags may be deposited in the dumpster at the bottom of the parking lot.
  • Tony will confirm to all volunteers when mulch is delivered. But you can get started on the cleanup right away and come back to do the mulching when it arrives.
  • Please send Tony a picture or two to his cell phone when your task is completed so you can receive credit!
  • Any problems or questions, just text or call Tony.
  • Please complete all tasks by the first week of May.

THANK YOU for helping to keep our grounds looking beautiful.

Tony Brady and Pam Ryan

You can sign up here.

Task #LocationDescription
1Flower beds by parking lot center doors (leads to elevator lobby)Weed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch
2Small flower bed by chapel door, to the far right of the parking lot.Weed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch
3On the south side of the building where the stone path is located connects the parking lot with St Margaret’s garden
  • Rake up/bag leaves inside the air conditioning enclosure
  • Rake up/bag leaves in small yard and shrubs outside the enclosure, along building near shed
  • Mulch shrubs along fence and building (DO NOT mulch the hillside)
  • Broom stones back onto the path and create an even surface
4Flower bed at top of stone path and under the lounge front windowWeed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch
5Yard between St Margaret’s Garden and side of churchWeed, rake up/bag leaves, pick up sticks
6St Margaret’s GardenWeed, Rake up/ bag leaves, plant annuals, mulch
7Flower beds at front entrance, including Contemplation GardenWeed, rake up/ bag leaves, mulch
8St. Paul’s sign in front of the church and Front lawnWeed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch, Pick up/bag sticks
9Circle of bare ground in front of church where Christmas tree is located.Remove weeds, rough-up ground, seed grass, spread peat moss. Fill-in any ground holes with soil and seed. Work with the Water Crew (task #14) to water regularly until grass germinates and is well established.
10Flower beds on Mayfair Street side near Sanctuary doorWeed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch
11Flower beds on Mayfair Street side near Office entranceWeed, rake up/bag leaves, mulch
12Canon Davies Memorial GardenWeed, rake up/bag leaves, clear stone paths, wire brush bench to remove moss, mulch
13Pre-School PlaygroundRake up/bag leaves and sticks, sweep walks, clean up area between playground fence and parking lot
14Crew to water new and annual plants.9 slots to be on a rotating watering crew for the new grass, annual flowers and St Margaret’s garden