The Clavinova and Summer Music

by Music Director Douglas Starr

One of St. Paul’s most versatile musical assets is a digital keyboard branded “Clavinova”– it’s the instrument pictured above. Most of you have heard this instrument and, most recently, Doug has used it to perform music for harpsichord. The versatility of the Clavinova is derived from its use of sound-sampled technology, the amazingly accurate electronic impersonation of actual acoustic sounds. For example, when used as a harpsichord, the Clavinova plays the digital image of the actual acoustic sound of the harpsichord that was pre-recorded and electronically converted. Rather than detailing a description of sound sampled technology, we invite you to simply enjoy it.

Summer at St. Paul’s

Music at St. Paul’s remains vital to worship and delivering arts in the community. Here is what your music ministry is doing this summer in preparation for a hopeful return to common practice in the fall.

Christin Cooper will be leading music for our in-person Sunday morning worship at 9:15 am. Musical choices will be contemporary hymns and songs sung and performed by a small ensemble. If interested in participating with Christin, please contact her at [email protected].
Doug will be leading music for our in-person 10:45 am liturgy. Musical choices will be classical works from the rich repertoire of organ and other keyboard works. Parish instrumentalists, soloists and a small choir will offer special music. A cantor or quartet will sing our hymns. If you would like to participate, please contact me at [email protected].
Special Friends of Music concerts and other music programs will continue in limited fashion during the summer. Small audiences may be invited and all will be live-streamed on Facebook.