You’re invited to the St. Paul’s Friend-raiser!
The deadline to order is THIS Friday, March 5.
Included in your ticket:
- Fundraiser for COVID-19 Relief fund, Partnering with Caliente Pizza and Drafthouse
- Virtual Beer tasting with an assortment of 6 hand-selected craft beers (can opt out of beer, and still enjoy the food and fun)
- Assortment of Meats and Cheeses
- St. Patrick’s day cookies
- Commentary by beer connoisseur
- Irish music
- Ticket for raffle drawing
- Zoom Link
Order pick up will be in the St. Paul’s Parking Lot 4:00-6:00PM. All orders must be placed by Friday, March 5. Tickets may be purchased by clicking here.
Ticket Options:
Full ticket: Beer, food, zoom link and all items above = $50
Food ticket only (food, + zoom link): $20
Delivery if needed (made by men in kilts) + $10