Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday: April 2
- 6PM (April 1) in the Church, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
- 8AM in the Chapel, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
- 9:45AM Palm Sunday Combined Worship with Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Passion Play
- 11:00AM Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday: April 6
- 7:00PM Maundy Thursday Service in Sanctuary
- 12PM Proper Liturgy for Good Friday in Sanctuary
- 1PM Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary
- 3:30PM Stations of the Cross for Children in Sanctuary
Children’s Good Friday Service: Friday, April 7, 3:30 pm
Holy Saturday: April 8
- 7:00PM Great Vigil of Easter in Sanctuary
- 7:00AM Easter Sunrise Service in St. Margaret’s Garden (music)
- 8:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with the Band)
- 10:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with Organ and Choir)
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 9, 9:45AM in St. Margaret’s Garden
Join us in St. Margaret’s Garden for the St. Paul’s Easter Egg hunt on Sunday, April 9 (Easter Sunday) at 9:45AM. There will be lots of eggs, candy, and maybe a special visitor too!