Lent 2024

Come back periodically to check updates to this page as we approach the Lenten season!

Lent is a 40 day season where we prepare for Easter. Our Book of Common Prayer invites us “to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word” (BCP, p. 265). We hope you will join us at St. Paul’s this season to prepare for Easter in our community!

Healing Prayerimage0_714

February 11, 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17, at the 8:45 and 10:45 services.

We will be offering Healing Prayer on the second Sunday of the month, and the first five weeks of Lent. Members of the Healing Prayer Team will be located on either side of the room. Before or after receiving Communion, you are invited to go to one of the two prayer stations on either side of the altar for laying on of hands and prayers for healing. You may ask for a prayer for yourself, someone you care for, or a general prayer. Our clergy or trained lay healing prayer ministers will keep all prayer requests in private confidence. Please contact the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions.

Bible Study with the Rectorrector-bible-study_790
Wednesdays at 12 noon
This weekly gathering is for those new to, or experienced in, reading the bible. Bring a bible (or we can give you one) and lunch. We’ll meet in the conference room. Please email Noah or call 412-531-7153 x11 for more information.

Lenten Devotionallenten-devotional_265

Looking for a way to reflect during the Lenten season? More than 40 authors from the St. Paul’s community have written reflections compiled in this year’s Lenten Devotional. This beautiful tradition of St. Paul’s reflects the experiences of many of our church members. The reflections are paired with the Daily Office reading, however you are welcome to use the devotional as you see fit all the way through Easter! You can read along on your own or join one of our Small Groups (see below).

Lenten Small Groups

Join other St. Paul’s parishioners as we reflect on the themes of Lent in the Lenten Devotional. You can download the Lenten Devotional here.

Groups start the week of February 11th and continue through Easter Sunday.

Small Group Time and Leaders:

Tuesday at 7:00AM on Zoom – Led by Noah Evans– Email: [email protected]

Tuesday at 6:00PM at St. Paul’s – Led by Laura Di Panfilo– Email: [email protected]

Wednesday at 7PM on Zoom– Led by Eileen Sharbaugh– Email: [email protected]

Thursday at 11:30AM on Zoom– Led by Erin Morey– Email: [email protected]

Adult Forums

Adult Forums take place Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Undercroft at St Paul’s. These sessions offer opportunities to grow in our faith by learning from and with members of our community. The list of the upcoming forums can be found below.

February 18: Renewing A Worshiping Community at Historic Old Saint Luke’sold-st-lukes-church-scott-township-01-123-small_892
The Reverend Noah H. Evans

Old Saint Luke’s Church, founded in 1765 in Scott Township has been without a regular worshipping congregation since 1930. St. Paul’s has been holding Saturday evening services there in the summer and fall since the 1990s. Right now, St. Paul’s, the Old Saint Luke’s Board, and the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh are in conversation about renewing a regular weekly worshiping presence at this site. Recently, the board of Old Saint Lukes has purchased the closed Presbyterian church next door which gives the opportunity for space to support a ministry at Old Saint Lukes. Come to this forum to hear more about this developing partnership, how St. Paul’s is involved and how we all can support this potential ministry.

February 25th: Annual Meeting


The Annual Meeting of St. Paul’s will be on Sunday, February 25th. There will be a combined worship service at 9:45, then we will have the Annual Meeting and an All-Parish Brunch at 10:45. Check back for more details!

March 3rd: Vietnam Travelsvietnam-trip_848

Pat and Geoff Hurd traveled to Vietnam in early December 2023 with a group organized by the Veteran’s Breakfast Club including five Vietnam War veterans. They will share their experiences regarding the culture, the environs, religion, the war, and Vietnam today.

March 10: Writing Historical Fictionour-lesser-angels-cover_976

Historical novelist and St. Paul’s parishioner, Mary Frailey Calland, will talk about her writing process and the stories behind her Civil War books, Consecrated Dust (about the Allegheny Arsenal Explosion is Lawrenceville) and Our Lesser Angels: A Novel of the Elmira Civil War Prison Camp.

March 17: Highland Educational Projecthighland-educational-project_96

Join the Rev. Paul Barker as he tells us about this important project in West Virginia. St. Paul’s youth will be serving there this summer during their mission trip.

Lenten Quiet Day: Chaos and Lament with Cat Munzlent-header_986

Saturday, February 17 from 10am to 2pm

Chaos: completely unordered, unpredictable and confusing. Out of chaos God creates order.

Lament: implies a profound or demonstrative expression of sorrow. When we lament the chaos in our lives, God inspires and helps us to put it in order.

This season take time to lament the chaos in your life.

Cost including lunch $20. Sign up here.

Stations of the Crosseaster-webpage_301

Most Mondays during Lent at 7pm in the Sanctuary (February 26, March 11, 18, 25)

Meet in the church to follow the Stations of the Cross.

Lenten Meditation in Motion Series 2024lenten-yoga_975

Sundays in Lent from 4:00-5:00pm

(Feb 18, Feb 25, March 3, March 10, March 17)

Lent is a season for quietness and introspection, and yet it can be so hard to fit these things in our schedules. Please join us in the St. Paul’s Undercroft (1066 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15228) on Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm for a Lenten Yoga and Meditation series. These classes will have around 30 minutes of movement, and 20 minutes of guided reflection and meditation on scriptures and themes of Lent. The classes will be taught for all levels, please bring a yoga, exercise mat, or towel to participate. At the end of the class you are welcome to stick around for a cup of tea. These candlelit classes will offer a container for reflection, gentle movement, and connection with others and we hope you will set this time apart for yourself this Lent. Sign up here.

Lenten Supper and Study: The Four Last Thingslenten-supper-and-study_554
Wednesdays February 21 – March 20, 6-8PM
Led by: The Reverend Erin Morey

In this five-week series, we will explore the “four last things” of the afterlife, which for centuries have been popular topics for Christian meditation – death, judgment, heaven and hell. These topics help us to think about some of the most profound questions of our life of faith – Why do we die? What happens when we die? Does God punish people? Do our choices determine what happens after we die? What does it mean to be together with God forever? Join us as we explore these topics, and ask some of the most important questions of our faith. Join us for these talks and discussions. No prior bible study experience is necessary.

Feel free to come to all or some of each evening’s events.

  • Potluck Supper: 6PM (Undercroft) – Sign up on the Bulletin Board
  • Bible Study and Discussion: 6:45PM (Undercroft)
  • Evening Worship: 7:45PM (Church)

Feb 21 – Stations of the Cross
Feb 28 – Taize Worship
March 6 – Compline
March 13 – Taize Worship
March 20 – Stations of the Cross

For more information, please email the Reverend Erin Morey or call (412) 531-7153×13

Lenten Fish Friesimage-3_674

February 23, March 8, and March 22

4:30 – 7pm

Fish Fry season is here! Our 2024 dates are February 23, March 8, and March 22. Proceeds benefit St. Paul’s outreach ministries.

St. Paul’s Annual Meeting and Parish Brunchimg-0283-886-medium_471

Sunday, February 25th at 10:45am

The Annual Meeting of St. Paul’s will be on Sunday, February 25th. There will be a combined worship service at 9:45, then we will have the Annual Meeting and an All-Parish Brunch at 10:45.
During our Annual Meeting, children are invited to join us in the Big Room (directly under the Undercroft) at 10:45am for a music class! Music for Life of Pittsburgh will join us to lead our children in an interactive drum circle.
Keep checking back for more details!


Abraham’s Table: Justice at St. Paul’s

Monday, February 26, 6:00 PM

Join us as St. Paul’s engages in a monthly discussion series called Abraham’s Table with the Turkish Cultural Center and Temple Emanuel. At each meeting we will share dinner, then hear a presentation with Q & A. Download the flyer to learn more, and click here or scan the QR code to register.


CLASP (Church Ladies of St Paul) presents: A Chilly (Chili) Eveningpicture1_100
Monday, March 4, 6-8 pm at Cherry Hill Community Rec Room

Are you tired of winter? Would you like to have a warm-up with good friends?

Please join us for A Chilly (Chili) Evening on Monday, March 4, 6-8 pm. Bring a bowl of chili to share. Or, you may bring a cornbread or another side dish or dessert if you prefer. We would also love for you to bring your drink of choice to share (wine is ok).

Deadline to sign up is Monday, February 26. Please use the link to sign up and let us know what you plan to bring.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Jan Littrell. Hope to see you there!

Sign up for The Passion Playimg-8767_873

Palm Sunday, March 24th at 9:45am

Our yearly Passion Play will be held in person on Sunday, March 24th at the 9:45am worship service. We need LOTS of people to make this Passion Play amazing– there are roles for everyone, which include individual speaking roles and group speaking roles. Click Here to sign up!!
Rehearsals will be Saturday, March 16th at 10am and March 23rd at 10am in the sanctuary. Questions? Email Laura at [email protected] or call at 412 531 7153 x12.

St. Paul’s Nursery School Annual Fundraiser: A Night in the ‘Burghwebsite-2024spensfundraiser-stdforreview-1_395

Saturday, March 2, 7:00 – 10:00 PM

Join us for an evening with Pittsburgh flair, benefitting St. Paul’s Nursery School, featuring raffle items, live music, trivia, food, and craft beverages.

St. Paul’s Concert Series presents The Pan Orthodox Choirpo-spring-concert-insta-final_7

Sunday, March 3, 2024, 5:30pm

Director Father Thomas Siroka will lead the Pan Orthodox Choir in sacred choral works with a focus on Orthodox Lenten and Paschal hymns. Singers meet at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church and represent many parishes in Pittsburgh.

Guys’ Night Out: Bible and Beer

guys-night-out-website_674Sunday, March 10 at 4PM at Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse, 329 Castle Shannon Blvd.

Join the Rev. Noah Evans and Bob Melvin and other men from the parish for this pre-dinner gathering of fellowship and exploring some scripture together.

Please RSVP so we know how much space to reserve. Email noah ([email protected]) or call him at (412) 317153×11, or Bob ([email protected]) or call him at (412) 531-7153×18.

Red Cross Blood Driveblood-drive-849_573

March 25, 12noon to 5pm

St. Paul’s will be hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross on March 25 from 12 noon to 5pm in the Undercroft. Please pre-register at www.RedCrossBlood.org.

  • Go to Find a Blood Drive in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter zipcode 15228.
  • When the map pops up, click on “by distance” to review available times for the St. Paul’s blood drive.

Stations of the Cross for Children


Good Friday, March 29, at 3:30 pm

Our Children’s Good Friday service will be held in the sanctuary. Children and their families will go through six multisensory stations of the cross where they will rip fabric as the soldiers did in dividing Jesus’s clothes, carry the cross as Jesus did, and wash each other’s feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. For more information, please email the Reverend Noah H. Evans.

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 31, 9:45AM in St. Margaret’s Garden

Join us in St. Margaret’s Garden for the St. Paul’s Easter Egg hunt on Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday) at 9:45AM. There will be lots of eggs, candy, and maybe a special visitor too!

Holy Week and Easter schedule

Palm Sunday: March 24
6PM (April 23) in the Church, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
8AM in the Chapel, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
9:45AM Palm Sunday Combined Worship with Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Passion Play

We will gather to bless palms in the parklet at the corner of Washington & Cochran Roads (above Mt. Lebanon High School) at 9:45am. We will then process to St. Paul’s to continue the service. In the event of heavy rain or other inclement weather, we will send an email update Sunday morning, and bless palms at St. Paul’s. You are welcome to come directly to St. Paul’s and view a live feed in the Church if you do not want to participate in the procession.

Holy Wednesday: March 27
11:00AM Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday: March 28
7:00PM Maundy Thursday Service in Sanctuary

Good Friday: March 29
12PM Proper Liturgy for Good Friday in Sanctuary
1PM Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary
3:30PM Stations of the Cross for Children in Sanctuary

Children’s Good Friday Service: Friday, March 29, 3:30 pm
Our Children’s Good Friday service will be held in person in the sanctuary on Friday, March 29th at 3:30pm.

Children and their families will go through six multisensory stations of the cross where they will rip fabric as the soldiers did in dividing Jesus’s clothes, carry the cross as Jesus did, and wash each other’s feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
Questions? Email Laura [email protected]

Holy Saturday: March 30
7:00PM Great Vigil of Easter in Sanctuary

Easter Sunday: March 31
Both the 8:45AM and 10:45AM services include a “pull-out” Children’s Sermon
7:00AM Easter Sunrise Service in St. Margaret’s Garden (music)
8:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with the Band)
10:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with Organ and Choir)

Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 31, 9:45AM in St. Margaret’s Garden
Join us in St. Margaret’s Garden for the St. Paul’s Easter Egg hunt on Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday) at 9:45AM. There will be lots of eggs, candy, and maybe a special visitor too!