Letter from the Stewardship Committee 2023

Dear Friends & Siblings in Christ:

One of us joined St. Paul’s as a little boy in 1958; the other joined this church as an adult in 2021.This church is home to all of us, regardless of when or how we came together, or the personal faith journey that led us here.

On behalf of the Vestry and the Stewardship Commission, we are asking you to join us as we “Renew and Connect” to this parish and each other by pledging to support St. Paul’s in the coming year of 2023.

Last year, our St. Paul’s community set out together to clear a path through the wilderness. We were tested, and we faced challenges and uncertainty. As Jesus returned from the wilderness to begin his ministry, so too have we. We are taking what we learned during this pandemic, with priorities clarified and reinvigorated inspiration, and now set out to renew our commitments and connect with one another through our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Despite the incredible volunteerism that enabled St. Paul’s to survive and thrive these last few years, it takes more than just the awesome time and talent of so many of you. Stewardship is time, talent, and treasure – that third “T” that allows us to do so much of what we do at St. Paul’s.

We need each of you to be part of this renewal. For newcomers, St. Paul’s youth programs, bible studies, book club, prayer groups, and outreach opportunities are all powerful motivators to join this vibrant congregation. On the other hand, for our longtime parishioners, these ministries have sustained our faith over the years.

Many of us are not familiar with pledging to a church, but it is the way in which Episcopal parishes plan and budget for the year ahead.It helps church leaders know what to anticipate in revenue so we can plan for all the programs and service we do (from music to ministries, from staffing to HVAC, and everything in between). It also helps to shape the spiritual commitment of the community to the common mission of the church.

In the coming weeks you will hear testimonials about pledging from fellow parishioners. Whether you have been a parishioner for 40 years or 40 days, in this Stewardship season, will you prayerfully consider a pledge to St. Paul’s? Hand in your pledge by Sundae Sunday, November 19th, when we celebrate the end of a successful pledge season. Let us renew our commitment to St. Paul’s, connect with one another, and continue to walk together in ministry.

Yours in Faith,

Geoff Childs & Jon Delano

Stewardship Commission:

Ginny Barnicoat, Senior Warden

Geoff Childs, Parishioner

Domenique Comparetto, Parishioner

Jon Delano, Stewardship Chair and Vestry Member

The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo, Associate Rector

The Rev. Noah H. Evans, Rector

Amanda Harris, Parishioner

Frank Horrigan, Vestry Secretary

Ann McStay, Parishioner

Melanie Nordwall, Parishioner

John Sheehan, Parishioner

David Sharbaugh, Treasurer and Vestry Member