Summer of Suppers

This Summer at St. Paul’s we are exploring the calls of our faith through food. Throughout scripture, we see Jesus sharing meals with all people – the rich, poor, outsiders, criminals, religious and political elites, strangers and friends.

Through the Summer of Suppers we are exploring how we can grow in relationship with one another and serve the wider community through sharing meals. Join us for some of the many events of this summer season. Feeding Neighbors. Feeding Friends. Feeding Faith.

You can read more in this letter from our Rector here.

Summer Worship Schedule

May 25-26 (Memorial Day weekend) – August 31-September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)

  • Saturday 6PM – St. Margaret’s Garden (rain location: St. Paul’s Sanctuary)
  • Sunday 8AM – Chapel
  • Sunday 9:45AM with music and pull out Children’s Chapel

Cookbook Devotionalcookbook-devotional_91

Our Cookbook Devotional for the Summer of Suppers is live. Click here to see which recipes other parishioners at St. Paul’s are writing about!

Do you have a recipe you would like to write about? Please sign up here and contact Theodore Somes for more information [email protected].

Host or Attend a Sacred Supper in Augustsacred-suppers_770

You have the opportunity to bring church home with Sacred Suppers! These gatherings will be hosted in homes, with hosts preparing the meals. Enjoy evenings filled with fun and fellowship, followed by a worship service or Holy Communion.

If you would like to attend a Sacred Supper, sign up here.

Cooking Summer Meal Programs at The Table and at Neighborhood Resilience Project

Join in cooking a meal for those who are food insecure

Learn to cook for large groups! Parishioner (and chef!) Michael Hendricks will hold a class on cooking for large groups in the St. Paul’s kitchen on June 5 at 6:30pm. Sign up for this class here.


The Table is a biweekly meal served in person at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community on the South Side. St. Paul’s will cook these meals on August 7, and August 19 and then deliver the meals the following day. Sign up to lead or assist with one of these meals here.

logo-neighborhood-resilience-proj_583We will also be serving meals in the Hill District, for our partners at the Neighborhood Resilience Project this summer! We will be cooking these meals on July 2, and August 27, then delivering the meal the following day. Sign up to lead or assist with one of these meals here.

Save the Date: Lunch Packing for Neighborhood Resilience Projectneighborhood-resilience-september2022_434
Saturday, August 3 from 9am am – 11am in the Nursery School Big Room

We will continue to pack lunches for the Neighborhood Resilience Project in the Hill District on the first Saturday of each month this summer in the Nursery School Big Room! Sign ups will be released each month. Please reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] if you have any questions.

Carnegie Community Food Program with St. John Evangelical Lutheran Churchst-john-lutheran_840

St. Paul’s will once again be helping purchase, pack, and distribute meals in the Carnegie area during the summer. Opportunities will include helping pack meals at St. Paul’s on Sundays after church, and distributing food in Carnegie every Friday, from June 3 to August 16th, from 11am to noon. Sign up to help here!

Join us to pack food after church on June 2, June 16, June 30, July 14, July 28, and August 11. Sign up in the form linked above or just come to the Undercroft after worship service to help pack.

Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at [email protected].

Kona Ice


August 18

The Kona Ice truck will be outside after the 9:45am services this summer! See you there for delicious shaved ice!


Mother’s Day Out at Holy Cross, Homewood
Follow these announcements for ways to help! – During the summer, St. Paul’s will be supporting this program in the under-resourced community for moms and their preschool-aged children. There will be plenty of opportunities to help, especially during their Vacation Bible School the week of July 29 – August 2. We will continue to provide information about opportunities for volunteers to prepare at St. Paul’s and serve food at Holy Cross. Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at [email protected].

Soup Salespotluck-party_223

Stay tuned for sales of delicious homemade soup this summer to benefit our Outreach Ministries! Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with questions.

Supporting the South Hills Food Pantry reverse-advent-2_207

Stay tuned for special drives for nonperishable food items, and opportunities to pack grocery bags, for our partners at the South Hills Food Pantry. Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey [email protected] with any questions.

Are you ready to show your cooking skills? Summer of Supper Cooking Eventsheritage-foods-showcase_718
During the Summer of Supper, we will host three events where parishioners can bring a dish and show off their culinary flair. Start getting your best recipes now and plan to join in the fun! These events will be:

Bake-off! Sunday, August 11 at 10:45am –Prepare to compete with your blue-ribbon best baked treats!

Sign ups for these events are coming soon! Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at [email protected].

A Sunday Around the Lord’s Table
August 4, 9:45 a.m. Service

For this special Sunday Eucharist during our Summer of Suppers, join us as we literally gather around the table for The Lord’s Supper. So what better place to do this than in the room where we normally share parish meals together, the Undercroft. And, back by popular demand, this will be a Paperless Sunday with no bulletins or books, just praying and singing from the heart as we break the Bread and share the Cup.

St. Paul’s Day at the Pittsburgh Pirates!st-pauls-at-pirates_50

Sunday, August 4 at 1:35PM
Join with your St. Paul’s community in the stands of the Pittsburgh Pirates! The Pirates play the Arizona Diamondbacks in this Sunday afternoon game. Tickets are $27 each, which included $5 preloaded value to be spent at concessions at the ballpark.
Please reserve your tickets by June 19th. This is great parish fun for all ages! You can reserve tickets here or through the parish office at (412) 531-7153.

Red Cross Blood Driveblood-drive_447

Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 12noon to 5pm

In the Undercroft

St. Paul’s will be hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross on August 14 from 12-5pm in the Undercroft. Please pre-register at

  • Go to Find a Blood Drive in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter zip code 15228.
  • When the map pops up, click on “by distance” to review available times for the St. Paul’s blood drive.

Blessing of the Backpacks


Sunday, August 18 at 9:45 am Worship Service

We will be starting the new school year by blessing backpacks, knapsacks, satchels, cell phones, or whatever you would like to bring for a special blessing for the new school year. Students of all ages are welcome to participate!

So Long Summer!rescue-dogs-food-truck_880
Saturday, August 24
We will be wrapping up our Summer of Suppers with our So Long Summer Fellowship Event. We are excited to feature the Rescue Dogs food truck. This truck benefits Light of Life Rescue Mission, which supports people facing homelessness. Please plan to bring your whole family to this fun event! Look for more details as the summer progresses

The Wanderer: A Johnny Cash Eucharistjohnny-cash_349

Sunday, August 25 at 9:45 worship service

We’ll begin to say goodbye to summer on Sunday, August 25 with a liturgy featuring the music of Johnny Cash. The Man in Black was also a man of deep and thoughtful faith in action, inspiring generations of artists, activists, and everyday people with countless songs and meditations about our shared experiences.